View Full Version : Night sweats

02-01-13, 20:57
I have been having them a while, not sure how long as through stress my memory is awful, i wake up in the middle of the night and i am soaking and the bed is soaking, i am really scared i have cancer, my anxiety is health and convinced i have some form of cancer, but i stupidly googled on new year day night sweats as woke up 2 times that night soaking to where i had to get changed and put a towel down, and because i wake up so soaked i really think its cancer and i am so terrified

02-01-13, 21:01
I have had night sweats on and off for a few years now. Wake up literally dripping soaked all over my body, I grab a towel put that down and go to sleep on that. It isn't very nice at all. I have no idea whats causing it.

Have you been to your doctor about it?

02-01-13, 21:03
Anxiety can cause it.

02-01-13, 21:06
i went doctors today and i usually stick to one who is very very good at dealing with me with my anxiety, sometimes gives me a hug when i leave, i know he shouldnt, but he does in a non sexual way, think he knows i dont want to suffer this, but i saw another doctor he has sent me for blood tests to see if something is going on, i didnt come out re assured, more worried :( worried its cancer as when i do that awful googling, it says proper night sweats where bed is soaking and ur dripping wet all over is more sinister which is panicing me so i have been sitting here for hours googling trying to find re assurance, driving myself mad, dont want it to be that bad word :(

02-01-13, 21:10
Don't google! People who suffer night sweats will typically wake in the night to find their bedclothes and bedding drenched, even if their bedroom temperature is cool. This abnormal sweating is annoying, but usually harmless.

---------- Post added at 21:10 ---------- Previous post was at 21:08 ----------

Some antidepressants can also cause night sweats