View Full Version : Beginning to worry even after doc said to relax

02-01-13, 22:22
Hi all.

I was diagnosed by my GP as almost certainly having IBS/nervous stomach. It was a general kind of stomach upset around my sternum and was giving me real discomfort a few weeks ago.

The last week or so, I've been continuing with the changing bowel movements (one day too little, the next as good as ever) but it feels like I had a bout of sickness and diarrhoea brewing but it just hasn't materialised. All of the symptoms are there; lower abdominal cramps that come and go, feeling of nausea, lethargy, bad burping and passing wind and I wondered is this how others experience IBS symptoms?

The doctor proscribed me some Mebeverine Hydrochloride which seem to help a bit. The thing is that I'm trying to keep a lid on all of this as I don't want my anxiety to key into the IBS symptoms, the symptoms create more anxiety and.....well, you all know how it goes.

I guess I'm just looking for a little reassurance that the above sounds like IBS still.

Thanks all.


02-01-13, 22:32
I get exactly the same symptoms and I have recently been diagnosed with IBS. I was expecting a much much worse illnesses to be discovered when I went for scopes, but the consultant did tell me that IBS can make you feel quite poorly, of course anxiety can make the symptoms a lot worse, when I am anxious mine increase ten fold.
I was thinking of trying those probiotic drinks to see if they help with the symptoms. :flowers:

02-01-13, 22:36
Thanks Alma...

Yes, feeling very under the weather...but as I say, not 100% ill. It feels like there's a d&v bug trying to come out but it just won't do it.

Maybe some Yakult is an idea as you mention.

Hope you're feeling better soon.

02-01-13, 22:37
It sounds like ibs to me. Aloe vera juice before a meal can ease it a little.

02-01-13, 22:37
Thanks Dan21 you too :flowers:

02-01-13, 22:40
Thanks guys.

Sorry to be a pain going on about this (yet again) but it's a relatively new symptom for me and I'm still trying to get my head around it all. :blush:

02-01-13, 23:00
Don't think you are being a pain, it is good to get reassurance from others, that is why we are here :)