View Full Version : anxiety about money and the economy

02-01-13, 22:47
anybody else freak out about this? this past week, especially in the USA, there has been such a panic about the fiscal cliff, taxes are going up on us lower/middle income people even though they said they weren't, and everything is getting more expensive ... milk, eggs, school tuition, etc etc etc. I am worried bc my fiance has a job, but I only work part time ... his job does reviews twice a year and he can either be promoted or let go so it is really stressful ... if he lost his job, I wouldn't have health insurance and also probably could not finish school as I'd have to go to work full time ...

I am letting my mind run away with me but it's all over the news and freaking me out every day. I am terrified he'll get let go. He has his next review in February and he does ok, but it is a very competitive job and he has a year to be promoted or that's it.

Eek. I shouldn't stress, nothing I can do about it and nothing bad has happened yet. But I am.

Anybody else stressing about the economy?

02-01-13, 22:52
I guess this is something I don't worry about much. I don't know why because I worry about the smallest silliest little things but not more important issues like this. I always just think, well if it happens we will get through it and manage. Maybe because I have been in situations where I have had to struggle financially before. It is know good worrying about it now though because it may never happen. If it does you will find some way of dealing with it. xx

02-01-13, 23:01
You are right. We will get through it. If worse comes to worse we have family who would help, although I hate accepting help :blush: but hopefully that doesn't happen.

I think two things make it scary for me: 1. The news hypes everything up, acting like this is the apocolypse, and 2. This is the first time I have really been on my own as an adult during a recession. When everything crashed in 2008, I was still in college and dependent on my parents, so I didn't think about it. Now that I have my own bills to pay and life to support, it is more frightening.

But it's true, I won't end up homeless and I will always have some help.

02-01-13, 23:03
The media always make it sound worse than it is x