View Full Version : symptoms

28-08-06, 17:21
Im 39 now and my problems started when I was 18.Until recently I did not know I have anxiety problems.
Is there anyone who has been through tests after tests and had nothing wrong with them.I have had endoscopes down my throat up my bottom,I have had scans and blood tests for all different symptoms ranging from indigestion,feeling sick.stomache problems,pains under the ribs,neck ache,jaw ache,tooth ache,headaches.
I was told I had IBS,I was told I had a candida problem,depression,allsorts.
I could not believe anxiety could cause so many problems,reading this site and seeing what so many people have gone through is a great help.knowing we are not alone and not going mad!!


28-08-06, 18:08
Hi Helen and welcome to the site, the same here I am 57 now and started having problems at about 16 what I know about but when I looked back hard I think I was quite a nervous child. I am not always Ill it seems to come and go in stages. I found when I was young 16 onwards alcohol used to calm me down and help me socialise and relax, but this didn’t really help even though I thought at the time it did but looking back I couldn’t go far from home without having to have a drink and at different times I couldn’t leave the house at all from acrophobia, so was making wine and beer so I could drink at home. Anyway a few years ago I had really high liver function count that really scared me so I stopped drinking fully after drinking daily and at times heavy. This made my anxiety so so bad when I stopped drink I couldn’t even get out of bed for a few weeks I felt so Ill. I understand where you are coming from Its health anxiety, I have too had so many test, a couple of years ago I had a barium enema, x-rays and a sygmoidoscopy as my tummy was so bad, lost weight, constantly feeling sick and passing blood even my local GP thought it could be bowel cancer with scared me to death. Any way after the tests where complete I went to see the specialist who said everything was OK the colon was cramping and this was typical IBS. This made me feel so much better just knowing. Any way I was getting a lot better after stopping the drink and was starting to go out more and even got that I was enjoying going shopping without having to drink. I am registered blind and was due to have eye surgery, the specialist said it wasn’t very promising but a small chance I could get some sight back, I cancelled the surgery so many times because of anxiety and bad fears, I thought if I had surgery I would die while sleeping or die of fright while going in and I was 100% sure that I would die. Anyway in the end I did go It was so hard and when I got there I asked the Doctor if I could have a sedative as I didn’t want to go to sleep for surgery. He gave me 3 little pills and Wow. Within 5 minutes I fell asleep was so relaxed they had to wake me to take me and I felt really good no fears at all. Anyway the next day when the dressing was removed the light was terrific, and I looked and seen my watch for the first time in years. My sight wasn’t brilliant but could use PC, look at TV and done so much in the garden and home something I hadn’t been able to do for years. This was the beginning of 2005 and I felt so much better anxiety wise, I came to terms with why worry about and make yourself Ill when the chances are its just anxiety, I have ruined so many years with health fears and as you know they can be really disabling, when all that time we could have just enjoyed our life. Anyway I was convinced that all this anxiety was behind me, then my oldest son came back from Iraq he is in the army, He went on a tour holiday of California USA. They started in Los Angeles and move up to las Vegas, Then we got a telephone call saying he had been hit by a car and was so so ILL, He had multi broken bones including his skull and brain damage in several places. This was hell as me and my wife had no passport and he was so Ill, his girlfriend flew out the next morning and stayed there for 5 weeks, my other son went for a couple of weeks with his girlfriend but because of the high cost we couldn’t let anyone stay to long. Anyway 5 weeks later they flew him home in an air ambulance, he was really bad mind wise when he first came home and had to use a frame to walk. However he is much better now. Most of his memory is coming back and he is getting out for an odd pint, this is all so great getting so well when they where pretty sure at first he wouldn’t last a couple of days. But even though everything is pretty good now my anxiety has shot up again, I am scared, feeling nausea most of the time and really find it hard to breath, but I have had so many tests saying my heat and lungs are ok. Well I am going to fight it, I really thought I was cured, and I suppose all that what hap

28-08-06, 19:20
hi ellen god i had every test there is ..and it all comes down to anxiety axiety will cause all different symptoms...its the adrenaline and ya nerves........and vern god love you all im so happy to hear ya son is doing better and i knoe the reason why you where not having anxiety cause u must know u were concentrating on ya son not you......then when things calemed down bamm it hits ya the reason im saying this im the same way i take situations fine but when there is none i think of me and i get anxiety .weird huh this is to u too ellen......but its all thinkin .we will all get thru this the best to yas xxxxxxxxxxLINDA[8D]

28-08-06, 20:30
hi ellen we all are going through what you go through

glad you finally found us


28-08-06, 23:13
Thank you everyone.


polly daydream
29-08-06, 00:47
Hi Ellen and welcome to the forum.

Best wishes,


29-08-06, 10:02
Hi ellen I am 21trs old now.All my symptoms started a few months before my twenty first.Then all the test started from x-rays toheart test to endoscopy and scans and blood tests and it all came back normal.I am so greatful you posted that because that is exactly my symptoms I found so much on this board really greatful to you guys

lots of kisses and hugs