View Full Version : Doctors in 6 hours, why am I in such a state?

03-01-13, 02:42
I can't sleep, I am so anxious.
My legs are sweating, back is hurting, pains in my neck, legs are sweating.
I keep touching my neck to make sure my glands haven't grown.

I just keep imagining him saying "I'm so sorry, buy you have to go to the hospital and have these tested, I think something serious is going on"

My boyfriend has felt the glands in my neck and the one under my arm, said they are all tiny, soft and moveable, he said I do not have cancer and is a million % sure (he even pinky swore to me that I don't and in this relationship you do NOT break a pinky swear lol)

I have a blood test as my doctor wants to test me for under active thyroid, see if that's making my anxiety bad.

I keep thinking he is plotting, making me think he won't test me for cancer and he will, is it illegal for him to go behind my back like that?

When I said is this blood test for cancer he laughed and said "no why"
I know I am okay, I have no other symptoms, just a few palpable lymphnodes, some are so small I'm guessing about 2mm lol!

I hate this!!!! :'(

03-01-13, 03:05
Seriously, your doctor is just being thorough. When I went in with anxiety and depression they tested my thyroid too just to make sure that wasn't contributing to it. Even if it was your thyroid ... at least then you have a simple answer for why you feel the way you do and it can be easily fixed.

You will be just fine :) I understand the worries though, when I had my tests done I was so nervous I didn't sleep and had to have my fiance come with me. I almost passed out. But everything was fine as it will be with you!

03-01-13, 03:06
Thanks darling, it's lovely having you lot here to relate too lol!

03-01-13, 04:35

No your doc won't be doing a sneaky cancer test! Unfortunately this paranoia comes with health anxiety and I do it as well. It's all part of our negative thinking.

As daft as it sounds I've even thought I could read my dogs minds at times! If they have looked at me lovingly I've thought "that's it they know I'm going to die today and are sad".

Anxiety seriously messes with you. Don't let it get to you it's what it wants!

03-01-13, 07:57
@Arnie, I had that same kind of thing with my friends cat, she was being so mean to me, I thought she could sense some kind of illness in me lol!
How bloody bizarre we are!

Thanks love for the reassurance!