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View Full Version : Thought I was getting better!

lisa p
28-08-06, 18:29

Its seems like ages since I have posted here, but I'm back.

This weekend we had a big surprise party for my hubbys parents, and whilst the party went really well, the minute we all went to bed, they stayed over, I panicked . I have never had the shakes so bad! I felt really sick and just wanted them to leave. I dont know why cause we had had a really lovely day, but just the thought of them in my house really scared me. I kept worrying that I would be sick and make a noise and that they would hear me. Anyway, at 1.00 am son came through being sick!! - so me and him went down stairs and slept in the lounge, I couldnt sleep cause then I was worried I'd given everyone food poisen so laid awake, waiting for them all the run to the bathroom! Of course they didnt.

Spent most of yesterday asleep, and still feel rough today, went to shop to buy paper and felt I was back in my old ways, panic, thank god there was no queue! I really thought I was on the road to recovery, but now feel so despondent, dont know what to do.

Any advice greatly received.

Thanks for reading.


28-08-06, 18:52
Hi Lisa,

Glad the party went well. I hate people staying over and, even more, hate staying over at other peoples. It is exactly like you said, just the thought of other people being there. And also for me the fact that I might forget to do something for them!

You did well to cope with it and help your son when you weren't feeling your best.

We often do things and feel great and then something goes wrong and we think 'oh well back to square one'. But it is often not that way. You might feel like it is now because you feel sad about the ending to a good evening but I bet if you compare how you are now to how you were before I am sure you will see there is a huge difference.

And you went out today even though you felt rough. I bet you didn't feel like doing that, did you.

Take care and hope you feel better soon.

Tammy x

28-08-06, 20:49
Hi Lisa.

Tammy's right. We do all have setbacks. I know I have. At the time it feels like you're back where you started...but you're not. You will probably find you'll recover from this one quicker than you used to. You've come a long way.

The pressure of the party can have a surprising effect. You desperately want it all to go well (which it did), but the build up probably had some after effects thats all. Hope u feel better soon.


29-08-06, 08:06
Just because you had a panic doesnt mean you should always have a panic, thats like saying because I had a cold I will always have a cold.

A friend of mine had their first panic attack last week whilst camping,
she said the next day all she could think about was what if it happens again (which luckily it didnt and now shes ok about it and its all forgoten.

Just view it for what it is........a blip !


Granny Primark
29-08-06, 13:16
Hi lisa,
Glad the party went well. I am sure what happened to you was just a minor set back.
Ive been doing really well recently coping with my panic and getting out more. Then i had a set back. Luckily i didnt take it to heart to much and kept telling my self it was just a minor blip on my way to recovery.
Im sure youl feel the same in a couple of days time.

Lots of love to you.

Take care