View Full Version : Need some advice on medication prescribed by Psychiatrist please.

03-01-13, 09:58

I have an anxiety/panic disorder, had it for 6/7 years.

This year I developed a swallowing disorder, couldnt eat or drink etc. Saw doctor who prescribed 3x2mg diazepam daily, coped with this for a few months but things got worse, so upped dose to 2x5mg daily.

Couple of months ago things got a lot worse, I didnt eat or drink for 5 days, so was referred to a Psychiatrist.

Psych told me she wanted me to take an antipsychotic, antidepressant, and a higher dose of Diazepam. Would write to my doctor to prescribe this. Also arranging CBT.

Spoke to Doctor on the phone yesterday, as couldnt get an appointment.

She stated they have prescribed Quetiapine 50mg daily, Sertraline 50mg daily, rising to 100mg. I asked about the Diazepam, and she said they do not want me to take this. I asked why and she said the Quetiapine works in the same way, but is better, so I do not need it.

This isnt true as I then rang the Psych office and they stated in the letter that they want my dose of Diazepam increased, not stopped, so my Doctor lied to me, seems she doesnt want me to take it.

I am concerned.

I want and need to help myself, but I am scared of the effects of these medications, it seems one lifts you up and the other brings you down, which I assume will cause a bit of a struggle in my brain.

If Quetiapine does what I read on the net, ie make you sleep, and turn you into a living zombie then I do not want to take it, also, SSRI antidepressants make me worse, not better, I have tried Citalopram and fluoxetine in the past, and they make my anxiety sky rocket so I have always had to come off them within a week because I couldnt cope with the side effects.

I just dont know what to do. If either medication makes me feel even slightly more anxious then its going to freak me out, and with no Diazepam to calm me down im not sure what I will do, probably have a breakdown I would imagine.

When I try to eat I have a massive rush of anxiety that builds and builds until I stop eating, then it takes me about an hour to come back down from that anxiety, so although its a very bad situation, I cant understand why antipsychotics are being prescribed in the first place.

Im just wondering if anyone here takes this Quetiapine and what effect it has on them? If I was more informed id be more likely to give some of these meds a try, but my doctor just told me not to read the side effects info as she said I had some of the symptoms anyway, so it would make no difference.

All I need is help to get rid of the anxiety, I dont want a cocktail of drugs screwing my brain up so am at a loss as to what to do.

03-01-13, 10:06
I don't know anything about Quetiapine but I do know that doctors usually will only prescribe Diazepam for short term use as they are very addictive. My doctor sometimes prescribes them to get me through a really bad patch or to take when I am going to travel by plane. He would never prescribe them for long term use.

03-01-13, 10:11
What Annie said

03-01-13, 10:15
Thanks for your reply Annie, I do appreciate the probelms with Diazepam, and I understand my doctor is concerned, but personally id prefer a higher dose of this than antipsychotic medication. I just dont understand why she sent me to the Psych if she isnt going to take their full advice. I have been on Diazepam daily for 9-10 months now, and although I am showing no signs of addiction, she just doesnt seem to want to prescribe them. I have been prescribed them as and when for panic attacks for years, and have only ever taken them when ive really needed to do so. The thing is, they have become like a safety net for me, so having them in the cupboard 'just incase' makes me feel better, because I know they are there if I need them, but just because they are there doesnt mean I take them. If I was addicted then I assume id be popping them all the time, but I dont. I take 10mg a day at the moment, there are many days when I could do with double that amount, but I dont take more, I just do what I can to get through the day. So I dont think I am addicted, but maybe I am, I dont know. What I do know is, I am scared of possible side effects from these other drugs, and knowing I have no diazepam here 'just incase' is making me feel a lot worse.

03-01-13, 11:03
You say you have them 'just in case' then you say you are taking 10 mg every day? I do have some for 'just in case' but in the past 6 momths have probably taken about 6 x 2 mg altogether. I can understand why the doctor won't prescribe to be taken daily long term. My doctor lets me have them because he knows I will only take them as a last resort. I think you should trust your GP and try the other meds to see how they help you. I have heard people say how hard it is to stop diazepam once they have begun to rely on it.

03-01-13, 11:10
Hi Dazza,
I know a fair bit about Quetiapine. It is frequently prescribed in smaller doses to help with anxiety and sleep. Quetiapine can go up to 600mg daily when people have psychosis so you can see that you are on a small dose for your dificulties.

It's often chosen as a longer term option rather than diazepam as it is not addictive and you won't need to increase dose to maintain efficacy.

It can be Very sedating initially even in small doses, but this usually reduces in a week.
I can understand your GP's reluctance to prescribe diazepam on top of Quetiapine. Maybe you could call your psychiatrist and discuss it further?

---------- Post added at 11:10 ---------- Previous post was at 11:06 ----------

Ps Quetiapine can increase appetite therefore may help in that way.
Also it can have mood stabilising qualities, however usually in a higher dose. Diazepam used regularly can have a depressive element and therefore this is another reason for Quetiapine as a longer term solution.

I'm no medic but I would trust your GP and give the Quetiapine a go for 2 weeks. Then talk it through with them after this.

03-01-13, 11:13
What I mean is, at the moment I take 2x5mg a day. If they want to prescribe the Quetiapine, and take me off daily doses of Diazepam, then thats fine with me, but I would like to have some here, just in case I need them from time to time. Im not expecting to take them daily along side the other medication, but to know I have them here for a really bad day would make me feel more comfortable. Also, as I dont know how I will react to these new medications, ie will they make me feel slightly worse before getting better like some meds do, then I feel more comfortable knowing that if I panic, there is Diazepam here to take in any extremely anxious moment.

Re-reading what I am writing here is making me think I do have some sort of dependancy actually, but I just want to get better, no matter what it takes, I just dont want to get worse before I get better, im just anxious about feeling anxious on the new meds if that makes any sense.

---------- Post added at 11:13 ---------- Previous post was at 11:11 ----------

Thanks Starlight, and thanks Annie, I know what I need to do, its just a bit scary for me at the minute, but what you are both saying is right.

03-01-13, 11:19
Quetiapine is unlike anti depressants. You won't have to endure a week I side effects prior to them working. You'll probably notice Sleepiness for a week, but not unpleasant side effects.
I totally understand about you wanting to have diazepam as a back up. I expect they are worried about you being massively over sedated and sleeping solidly for days!!

Even with people with full blown psychosis they often have to start on a small dose and build up due to level of sedation it can cause in some people. It's nothing to worry about, just take it at night :) x x

03-01-13, 11:22
I understand your concerns, I am the same when changing meds but like Starlight said, with diazepam you get used to the dose and just need more and more. I would discuss your concerns with your doctor. I am not sure if those meds can be taken together but if they can then he make let you have a few just in case, however if he thinks you have become dependent on them, he may be more reluctant to do that.

03-01-13, 11:34
I will give them a ring and have a chat, I didnt sleep last night as I had lots of overanalizing to do, so a bit all over the place today, but thanks again to both of you for your advice, I will take them tonight and see how I get on with them, fingers crossed and all that!! :yesyes:

03-01-13, 12:47
I hope it works well for you, let us know how you get on.

03-01-13, 12:55
Will do Annie, thanks!! :bighug1:

04-01-13, 22:31
Well, thought id give a quick update.

Yesterday I went from bad to worse, the anxiety about taking the Quetiapine really got to me and I ended up having a bit of an episode of extreme panic, I spoke to my Psychiatrist who said my doctor withholding Diazepam was making a bad situation worse and I think they are going to speak to her about it, they want me to keep taking it until this new medication kicks in and starts to work, so I rang my doctors 5 minutes before closing and got some diazepam, took 10mg as advised when I got back in and started to relax enough to have something to eat. I then took the Quetiapine at 10.30pm.

11.30pm I was fast asleep, and didnt wake up till 9.15am this morning, thats the longest sleep ive had in ages, Im usually up at 5am. Felt very tired and drowsy most of the day. Have a headache and really bad indigestion that wont shift. Anxiety wise this morning, it was reduced by at least 50%, which felt amazing. Was able to eat poached egg and toast, and had 2 cups of tea without the aid of Diazepam. Also had a pasty for lunch, which tasted delicious, havent been able to have one for months, good old Greggs!

Got to about 2pm and although still feeling drowsy and sort of a bit hungover, the anxiety came back, and has gotten worse throughout the evening. Tried to take some ranitidine earlier but couldnt swallow it so chewed my 1st Diazepam of the day, and managed to take one an hour later. Have now just taken the Quetiapine again.

Should be asleep soon, and am hoping that the effects once its in my system will last throughout my waking hours. They make me feel like a drowsy zombie, but I prefer that to high anxiety. Hoping the drowsiness will also subside soon, I feel like a part of my brain is switched off by taking these, and its an odd feeling, but one I can put up with until Im better, just hope I do not have to take them for a very long time as Id prefer to feel normal at some point in the near future.

I was terrified of the effects of this new tablet, but all in all it aint so bad, and as long as it gets better I can put up with the odd effects it has on me.

04-01-13, 22:35
Pleased that you have been able to take the new med and have had a good nights sleep and have managed to eat today (I love Greggs pasties!). Well done on getting through most of the day without diazepam. It sounds like this is going to work for you and the drowsy side effects should subside in a few weeks.

04-01-13, 22:46
Fingers crossed Annie, when I swallowed that tablet last night it was a bit of a circus, youd think I was being force fed cyanide, I made such an episode of it, but my partner stayed awake for a few hours after I fell asleep, just to make sure I was ok, and I woke up this morning without something awful having happened to me overnight lol, so it was all good!!

I know normality (eating wise at least) is going to come, and I just have to be patient.

Coming here to chat about my fears yesterday helped a lot, and gave me the courage to take it, so thanks again for helping me with it, will let you know how I manage over the next few days, and hopefully it will continue to be good news.

I think Greggs and I are going to become good friends over the coming weeks, and looking forward to another visit tomorrow :yesyes:

04-01-13, 22:50
I have to admit I am a bit like that when I first take a new tablet, I just sit and wait for side effects to appear :D but usually they do more good than bad. Do you live in the North or South? My son loves stottie cakes from Greggs but you can only get them in the North East and he lives near London now. Every time he comes back here he goes to buy some.

04-01-13, 23:08
I am in Cardiff, so we dont get those, however we do get Welsh cakes, and Clarks pies which are only around here I believe, and they are delicious too!!

I often go to Skeggie and Great Yarmouth on holiday, do they do these cakes up there? To me, these areas are the NE, but maybe they're not? I might check them out when I go in the summer if they are in these places and have a little taster.

04-01-13, 23:11
Stottie cakes are a Geordie thing so only in Tyne tees area. I like Welsh cakes though :) I have family in Newport Gwent and friends in Tongwnlais.

---------- Post added at 23:11 ---------- Previous post was at 23:11 ----------

Next time I visit them I will try a Clarks pie :)

04-01-13, 23:29
Clarks pies are the best, you'll love them!!

My eyes are now starting to close so it has to be bedtime I guess, have a good weekend, be back soon!

04-01-13, 23:30
I felt the same as u a year ago. I took a dozen anti depressants and none of them really worked. The solution is within u. U don't need them. I am taking nothing now, and although I am not 100% better, I would say I'm 60% there through literature. 'The happiness trap' by Russ Harris being my main source of inspiration.

05-01-13, 00:27
Remember to try and get exercise/don't eat too many greggs :P (I am partial to a macaroni pie/scotch pie, but you don't find them south of the border that often). Sounds like the medication could be beneficial, but remember there is a risk of weight gain on quetiapine - you may not be affected by it but it seems that a lot of people experience it.

05-01-13, 05:03
Hello :)

I hope you do find the quetiapine as helpful as I do :)

I started taking the "normal release" tablets to start with and then I was moved onto the "slow release" ones.

Quetiapine is very helpful with anxiety and it's also a good mood stabalizer too. I've never found that it's affected my apatite at all, I eat the same as ever and I've not gained any weight either, I think the weight gain problems really affect those that are on big doses, quetiapine is only used in relatively small doses for anxiety :)

I hope this helps and I hope that you find it beneficial too :)

05-01-13, 10:32
I felt the same as u a year ago. I took a dozen anti depressants and none of them really worked. The solution is within u. U don't need them. I am taking nothing now, and although I am not 100% better, I would say I'm 60% there through literature. 'The happiness trap' by Russ Harris being my main source of inspiration.

I am half way through this book at the moment and finding it very helpful.

05-01-13, 15:44
The problem is Dan, I'm getting no more than 500 calories a day into me at present due to my problem, which isn't healthy (barring the odd pasty) so although I'd love to read this book and help myself, I need almost immediate resolution of this, my doctor has tried twice to get me into hospital already due to so much weight loss along with my diabetes, so I really needto sort it out rapidly or I will be hooked up to a drip. For my GAD then I'd happily take a look though in future. I don't like medication and want off it asap. Pleased to hear it's working for you tho, I will look it up for future reference.

05-01-13, 17:18
Hi Dazza,
I hope you're doing ok? Well done for having the courage to try the new meds, I know how scary that is.
I can't recommend Clare Weekes 'self help for your neeves' enough. I have the book, but also downloaded her talkin book from iTunes. It's so helpful! It discusses the importance of prescribed 'tranquillisers' in recovery. I agree that recovery is within you, but it's so much easier with help. X

05-01-13, 20:16
Hi Starlight.

Not a great day today, took 1x25mg last night, asleep by midnight, then up at 4am, was having some weirdo dreams, so went back to sleep at 5am, and between then and 9am I was awake about a hundred times cos I kept having strange dreams, I feel today as if I hadnt taken them at all, so only eaten a poached egg and toast again this morning, but taking 50mg tonight, which is the recommended dose, and am hoping tomorrow is different, im sure it will be :)

I have an MP3 pillow, so will see if I can download some of these books in talking format to have a listen whilst I relax at night, I suppose it all helps doesnt it.

05-01-13, 20:28
It will be a good idea to download some relaxing music too. I have a clock that has a sunset light which gradually goes dimmer and raindrop sounds gradually getting quieter, it helps me to get to sleep.

05-01-13, 21:55
I have a waves cd which is quite nice, it has subliminal messages in it apparently, not sure if that helps me to be honest, but the waves are nice to listen to, its just a pain because I have to visit the bathroom not long after its finished :roflmao:

05-01-13, 21:57
I have a waves cd which is quite nice, it has subliminal messages in it apparently, not sure if that helps me to be honest, but the waves are nice to listen to, its just a pain because I have to visit the bathroom not long after its finished :roflmao:

Maybe waves isn't such a good idea then :roflmao: I am surprised the raindrops don't have the same effect on me :D

05-01-13, 22:04
I have a rain app on my IPhone. I love it, so relaxing.

Hang in there Dazza, you are doing great, it will get better. X

05-01-13, 22:08
I have some alpha waves MP3s on my MP3 player. I find they help me get off to sleep. :)

Dazza - I hope you'll be feeling better soon.

06-01-13, 13:27
Well, today is a different day altogether. Took 50mg of quetiapine last night and 50mg of sertraline this morning, I didn't want to take that cos I had a feeling it would make me feel worse, but thought I'd go with psych and doctors advice since they apparently know best.

I now feel awful, can't eat or drink anything and feel like I'm not me. Bizarre to say the least. Think I'll go to bed for a few weeks and hope it just all goes away :wacko:

06-01-13, 14:09
Try to eat something, a banana or yoghurt, something easy to swallow. The meds take time to kick in. Hope you start feeling better soon.

06-01-13, 19:11
I cant eat stuff like that Annie, its too sticky and gooey in my mouth, the only thing I ever manage is toast with a poached egg hidden inside it, if I can chew something crunchy down to nothing im usually ok to swallow it, but anything other than this im stuffed.

I have lived on poached egg and toast once a day for months, its a good job I like it.

Will try to have some toast a bit later, been asleep for a while so will see what happens, I hope they hurry up and start to work, im starving :doh:

06-01-13, 19:16
I hope you start to feel better soon :bighug1:

06-01-13, 23:33
I will feel better soon wont I? I had some toast, thankfully, I cant wait for the day when I feel better, I am going to order the biggest Indian takeaway that has ever been ordered, and Im going to eat it all to myself.

Today I think the sertraline caused my problem with not being able to eat my poached egg and toast, so having that first in the morning, before taking it, as long as can get that inside me I wont be too bad for the rest of the day.

14-01-13, 23:19
Well, 10 days in and thought id update.

Taking quetiapine at night, 50mg, knocking me out for about 12 hours, then falling asleep late afternoon for another 3 or 4 hours.

Sertraline making me feel a lot worse, eating less and less, not able to drink a lot.

Diazepam making little difference at 2x5mg split morning and late afternoon.

Had an appt with Psychiatrist today at 3pm, was looking forward to it so I could discuss the medication and see what else we could do to sort things out, they rang at 1pm to cancel as she had called in sick and said they will send me an appointment in the post. I asked when is this appt likely to be, because I need to see her, the lady said she had no idea as didnt know when Psych would be back in, so I am now in limbo.

None of this medication is making any difference, apart from robbing me of my life by making me sleep so much. God knows when I will see the Psych. I asked them if they could get the duty Psych to ring me today so I could have a chat with them, and they said they would, but noone rang. I feel like I am completely on my own with this, noone seems to want to help me.

I know its very early days, but im just so fed up now, I really believed id start to get better pretty quickly, and Im not.

When I do eat, ie a piece of toast, by the time ive finished the toast im a nervous wreck and on the verge of a panic attack, it takes at least an hour to calm myself down, and I have to breathe into a cushion whilst sat on the sofa to calm my breathing because I feel so worked up I cant breathe.

No idea what to do from here :unsure:

15-01-13, 09:39
I think you should go back to see your GP. I don't think you should be spending that much time sleeping so if the meds are knocking you out that much I think they need reviewing :hugs: