View Full Version : Extreme Anxiety & Panic

03-01-13, 11:10
Hi Guys!

Already have a thread on here, but need your help and support.

I have the terrible feelings of impending doom, unable to cope, don't feel I will ever get better:(. You may think I am strong I got up this morning took the dogs out, managed to drag myself into work, but I don't want to tell anybody how bad I really feel as I am absolutely terrified that I will then let the anxiety and panic get worse.

I am on 20mg of Cit and have diazepam which I don't take as the feeling makes me more anxious, been taking Cit for a long time. Mornings are terrible I open my eyes and fear, dread and impending doom hit me, I am scared I am going crazy and that I will hurt somebody.

Jackie xx

03-01-13, 12:48
hi Jackie,
I'm sorry you're having such a hard time anxiety is so very hard to deal with and that feeling of will I ever get better is very draining.
I understand your not wanting to admit to how you feel to others, I think it's a form of denial and when you admit to how you feel its like a pressure cooker being let off sort of.
Are you having therapy at all? I would suggest that knowledge can be very powerful in getting better. Learn everything you can about anxiety so you can find weakness in it.
There's quite a lot of info out there so just try what's suggested in the books/websites until you find something helpful then keep doing it.
Best wishes

03-01-13, 13:31
Hi Hun

Thanks for your reply. I have downloaded CBT4 which I have been reading, I am also getting spikes of panic which I am trying to ride.

I keep telling myself that it will pass, but then I don't feel like it will and that I can't cope feeling like this for much longer:(

03-01-13, 13:38
Hi Jackie I know how you feel you ever read or listened to dr claire weaks self help gor your nervs ? She's very good I suffer terribly I dread going yo bed every night incase I don't wake up I always think something bad will happen everyday it's awful feeling I pray everyday it will go and I will get back to me I hope more then anything but I'm the opposite I told every1 in the hope some1 could help me I seek advice from every1 in my family mainly my elder sister who suffers the same only worse I always look to them and think I want to be you I want yo be any1 other then me sad I no here if you want to talk anytime x

03-01-13, 13:45
You know you guys are gonna think I am crazy but now worried that I have Psycosis [thats spelt wrong]. Thinking about it I have been feeling like this for a while now, put it down to Xmas etc.

I don't want to go back to the Docs as don't want my Cit putting back up

03-01-13, 18:58
Hi jackie you don't have Physcosis. If you did you wouldn't be asking if you had it. People with it have a different reality and to them everything is normal.

You have acute anxiety as do I. I'm starting to get a grip on mine now. Day 39 of fluoxetine and 3 therapy sessions in on my journey so far.

I have a much better understanding of therapy and negative thinking and cannot identify when I am doing negative thinning and am able to stop myself. Also just accepting its anxiety has reduced my symptoms quite a bit.

Having a bit of a bad day today though. Woke up at 3.30am and couldn't get back to sleep and have had really bad indigestion/trapped pressure feeling below my sternum all day. A few weeks ago I would have freaked out about this thinking it was a heart attack starting. Now I accept it for what it is but I still gets moments of fear and waves of panic.

Hang in there.

04-01-13, 09:33
Hi Guys

Thanks Arnie for your reply. I think one of the worst fears for me is that nobody can help me and I cant understand the fact that this will pass, starting to feel depressed now:(