View Full Version : Head Shakes

03-01-13, 11:50
Does anyone else experience what I can only describe as head shakes?

Sounds strange but over the last couple of years, when I find myself in new situations, particularly when looking people directly in the eye , after a couple of seconds my neck feels like it has been put in a vice and my head shakes from side to side.

At least that’s how it feels, whether it looks like that I don’t know, but I do know that I have to look away to make it stop which probably makes me look very shifty !

It even occurs when I’m talking to colleagues / suppliers / clients who I have met before.

Does any of this sound familiar and if so, what aggravates it and what assists with it. This is completely at odds with the character I was three years ago and now is at the point where I assume it’s going to happen and then of course it does.


03-01-13, 12:02
Don't know if it's the same thing but years ago I had similar weird head experiences. Always happened if I was standing for a while, often if I was chatting with someone, I would suddenly feel a sensation like my head making a circle spin - not all the way round in some scary movie way!! but with neck staying put! I don't know if my head actually visibly moved either but it certainly felt like it did and would cause me to have to avert my gaze or change position. It wasn't a lasting diziness and didn't make me feel totally off balance just a bit disconcerting. My doctor gave me a nasal spray which helped.

03-01-13, 20:32
This is a problem that really used to worry me. I thought I had a neurological illness or something.
When I had CBT I asked my therapist if it could be the anxiety and she said 'yes'.
Once I realised that, I stopped being so tense around people (if you drop your shoulders you'll realise how you've been subconsciously tensing up).
Relaxation excercises help too.