View Full Version : Bad day

03-01-13, 12:59
Felt a bit vulnerable having it 'out there'

03-01-13, 13:37
I've been the same for the last couple days, my daughter is due at a party at 3 n I'm not sure we wil make it! My OH is still off work so may get him to come with xx
Just gonna take each hour as it comes til bed time.
Hope u manage to do the same. X

03-01-13, 13:40
Thank you, I hope you manage to get your daughter to the party.

I'm beginning to calm down and I'm going to try and go out. I'll feel like poo but otherwise it's my daughter who will suffer because of this :(

03-01-13, 13:48
That's wat I think, I'll make myself go at least it gets us out!! Hope u feel better once u've been out, I'll pop back on when we get get! Xx

03-01-13, 13:51
Good luck!

That's it, I'm off out. Will pop back on - hope the party goes well.

03-01-13, 18:07
Hey. Did u get out? The party was ok! Was only a few there, was nice to get out.
Hope your outing went well. Xx

04-01-13, 10:19
I'm pleased the party was ok :)

I got out. Went for a milkshake with my daughter :)

04-01-13, 11:18
That's gd. Hope u feel a bit better today. Xxx

29-07-13, 13:34
Thank you. It's been a while since I was on here but just restarted medication so thought I'd pop back on.

How are you?