View Full Version : sorry to bother you all....but my lumpy neck is scaring me

03-01-13, 21:40
i had a good week, no feeling my neck and all that jazz and then today i just couldn't help myself, i starting pinching and rubbing and felt a few nodes on each side of my neck..im not positive but id say they feel around bb bullet size to bean sized....i did have a cold last week and a sore throat but i dont know if they were there before or what... So now in freaking out about lymphoma again, i know you will say go to the doctors but i just don't feel up to it, and its hard to get out of work.... Is it possible to just be able to feel them or could it still be from the cold....feel so rubbish!!!

04-01-13, 00:45
I obviously cannot guarantee anything, but I do believe that it is nothing. I have at least one node on the left side on my neck that is slightly larger than an BB bullet, and It's been there for as long as I can remember. So I highly doubt it is anything over the ordinary.

But as you already stated yourself, if it worries you, it would be recommended to visit a doctor (only way to be certain). Being worked up about ones health is easy for no one, hopefully you get a peace of mind soon enough