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View Full Version : Cant Stop Worrying About daughters lymph nodes

04-01-13, 00:04
I am getting sick of myself! My daughter is 12 and has marble size lymph nodes behind her ears. I had her to the doctors about this three times and they said its fine yes they are there and they are a bit larger but that could be because she has acne on her face and it could be the cause of that. But I think that its lymphoma. Shes not sick at all shes fine and thats what makes me worry. Should I ask for different tests just to be sure? I dont want to freak her out with my health anxiety but I am so unsure that the lymphnodes are caused by acne. Please help

04-01-13, 00:41
Did the doc examine her for other enlarged lymph nodes? If she has lymphoma, there will be enlarged nodes somewhere else as well.

04-01-13, 08:35
Many of us have permanently enlarged nodes. I have a few large nodes on the sides of my neck since I was a child. I think that as long as your daughter is healthy with no other symptoms you need to relax and not keep taking her to doctors.
I know how hard it is, I am the same as you and I worry constantly about my kids, but we must control our reactions when the kids are involved.:bighug1:

04-01-13, 17:11
I did ask the doctors if they thought it could be lymphoma and they checked her lymphs on her throat, collar bone, groin area and the only ones bigger are behind her ears. They are movable and they tend to be smaller in the morning and get a bit bigger during the day. I am so worried that they will say its nothin and it will end up being serious.

05-01-13, 22:26
Please does anyone have advice?

05-01-13, 22:59
So many people on here are posting about lymph nodes, maybe its the weather? I've got one on my neck, have been really worried about lymphoma but I've had tests and nothings come back, I don't feel ill or run down either but apparently as little as a sore throat can cause a gland to become swollen and if the doctors say she's okay then I wouldn't worry, they're the experts :)