View Full Version : Panick attacks

04-01-13, 00:16
Help I just feel like crying I can't cope with this any more my panick attacks are getting worse it all started because I have a fear of death it's got worst after the last week 2 people young ages have died one was 17 and the other 28 I'm so scared to go to sleep Incase anything happens to me my body has not felt normal at all to day just keep feeling like I am going to faint having pains in my head feel my heart starting to Hurt now I am so scared sick of living in fear ! Also keep checking my pulse witch seems to be high so frightened :(

04-01-13, 01:42
Hi Laura,
I feel for you. The only thing that has ever worked for me are meds - I am on Duloxetine and it helps me lead a normal life, I can leave the house whenever I want. Have you told your Doc how you feel? I wish you all the best.


paula lynne
04-01-13, 01:49
Hi laura, you sound like you are in the middle of having a panic, so for now, get a paper bag and get your breathing in check, or cover your mouth and nose with your hands. Is someone with you?

You have had a shock losing 2 people, so naturally your anxiety is misbehaving right now. When you feel able, please see your GP and explain how you feel. Remember, all the things you are feeling are sensations not symptoms of some terrible disease. Your BP goes up during anxiety, so your body is responding to adrenaline....now, get your breathing in check and know this WILL pass......and then the sensations will decrease.

You can get through this xxx

04-01-13, 02:33
I've been to my gp I have been on medication stop taking it as I was having bad side effects with them I've not had anything for 4 weeks due back at doctors tomorrow so hopefully he might help with something I'm just so scared like I said its the fear of death I have 2 children and get in a panick if anything hąppens to me I detnt even sleep thats just started in my mind last couple of days I don't want to live in fear anymore I just wish I could forget the horrible thoughts :(

04-01-13, 02:45
I do hope you get some help and advice from your Dr.Laura. Next time you start to feel one of these spells come on try some deep breathing as described in this text.I found it on Wiki.Its far better to learn breathing skills as the old fashioned paper bag isn't recommended anymore.
You might also find learning relaxation a big help. David D. Burns has some useful breathing exercises for those suffering from anxiety. One such breathing exercise is a 5-2-5 count. Using the stomach (or diaphragm) - and not the chest - you inhale (feel your stomach come out, as opposed to your chest expanding) for 5 seconds. As you reach the maximal point at inhalation, hold your breath for 2 seconds. Then slowly exhale, over 5 seconds. Repeat this cycle twice, and then breathe 'normally' for 5 cycles (1 cycle = 1 inhale + 1 exhale). The point is to focus on the breathing, and relax the heart-rate. Regular diaphragmatic breathing may also be achieved by extending the outbreath either by counting or even humming.
Although breathing into a paper bag was a common traditional recommendation for attempting short-term treatment of the symptoms of an acute panic attack,[22] it has more recently been criticized as inferior to measured breathing, even potentially worsening the panic attack, and possibly posing reducing needed blood oxygen. While the paper bag technique increases needed carbon dioxide and so reduces symptoms, it may at the same time excessively lower oxygen levels in the blood stream.To make matters worse, several studies now show a link between panic attacks and the abrupt increase in CO2 from the paper bag method, so that use of the paper bag method itself may worsen feelings of panic in patients who might otherwise use measured breathing techniques with success.
For prevention, 30 minutes a day of physical exercise is recommended, as well as healthy nutrition and sleeping habits.

clarisse x

04-01-13, 03:01
Thank you clarisse I will defiantly try that thank you it's the bad thought as well just wish they would go away :( xx

04-01-13, 06:01
Hi Laura

Sorry you're going through this. I know the exact feelings. Still get them occasionally but I getting better. I look back just a few months now to when I was getting constant chest pains and daily panic attacks and don't honestly know how I held it together but I did and I survived!

I've been on fluoxetine for 40 days today and have had 3 cbt therapy sessions so ask your GP about a referral. There also some online cbt sessions you can do I think I've seen a link on here somewhere. Try the therapy session.

What I've found is it takes a LOT of hard work to beat this because its so deep in our sub conscious. You have to learn as much about anxiety a you can the articles on the left o the home screen are great as a starting point. Once I started to understand anxiety and come on here and speak with people going through exactly the same things as me it got a little bit easier. Now the meds are starting to kick in (not a quick fix at all and I really struggled with side effects in weeks 2-3) they are giving me the mental breathing space for it to be a bit easier still and now on tops therapy is letting me challenge the negative thoughts and tell myself 'no you are being irrational, stop thinking like this'.

I hope this doesn't seem daunting its not intended to be its intended to show you that you can do this.

I'm also not professing to be cured, far from it I'm at the start of my recovery but there are so many success stories of people on here that I'm determined to be one of them.

All the best