View Full Version : scared for my future :(

04-01-13, 00:22
I've been feeling quite anxious and low of late.Thinking about what my future and what my life has in store for me.I'm 29 years old and still living at home with my dad.I keep thinking I should be in a place of my own by now,and feel like a total failiure.I'm scared people think that I am a loser,because I'm still living at home with a parent.Im dreading the thought that I won't be able to support myself when my dad is longer around.I have a sister,that's all the close family I have since my mum died.I keep thinking what If I can't look after myself and I end up on the street???.I'm so frightened :weep:

04-01-13, 00:55
How long since your mum died? You could still be grieving for her. Grief counselling might help. Do you have a social life? Getting involved in a group of some sort might help too. An activity sort of group that becomes your family. Don't know what you like doing, but it could be sport, music, drama, meditation,laughter yoga, ordinary yoga, hiking, embroidery - there are a whole heap of groups out there, give it a go and don't be put off if it doesn't work straight away, these things take time.

paula lynne
04-01-13, 01:11
Hi there x
Im sorry you are feeling so worried about things. I agree with the previous post, you need to get out there and start living, find something you enjoy. Im sure the death of your mum has affected you deeply, its natural to start worrying about the mortality of your dad....again, maybe seeing a doctor and explaining your feelings could help?

There is NOTHING wrong with being 29 and living with your dad, in fact, I would say in todays financial climate, and with so many young people strugging to get on the property ladder, you are in a majority, not a minority! Stop worrying about what other people think, if you and your dad, and sister are happy, then stuff everyone else, none of their business.

I wish I hadnt wasted soooo many years worrying about the future, and lived for the moment. Why worry about something that hasnt even happened!? Waste of your time. Live for now, and make a few little goals for yourself, Im sure it will give your confidence a real boost!

Step out of your comfort zone........its always worth it.
Paula x:)

04-01-13, 03:10

This is my first post and more importantly I know how you feel. I am 28 and spent alot of time in higher education but I worry that I wont be able to handle a serious job. I also live with my parents and worry for the future.

04-01-13, 05:51
Hey I work in property and the average age of our first time buyers is 36 at the moment. The vast majority live at home up to this point. Unfortunately it's the economy we are living in for our generation!

04-01-13, 10:05
here in malta when one decides to go and live by him/herself, the person is looked as kinda weird , everyone stays with his parents till one gets married... its in the last 10 years that things start moving a bit, and people started to live by their own, and btw you shoud nt look at the future , its never as accurate as we tought it would be....so live in the present moment :) i used to get a bit feared of the future, (i still am sometimes), but i keep this wonderfull book at hand, and read a chapter at random, its called The Power of Now, but you maybe already read it.... cheer up xxx

04-01-13, 13:43
Hi Sarahlou. Sorry to hear you are feeling low. I wanted to let you know that you're not at all alone in feeling the way you do. I often find myself thinking about the future and beginning to feel anxiety creep in. I'm in my thirties, single and still at home with my parents. I see my siblings and friends married with kids and living the 'grown up' lives that I think perhaps I should be living by now and wonder about my own - is this it? Don't get me wrong - I have lots of things I can count myself lucky with but panicky thoughts can still creep in about what the future holds for me if I'm to be by myself for ever more. I think it helps to try not to let my mind ponder the future too much - better to try to live in the present. When I find myself trying to grabble with the big questions of what the point of everything is I'm now trying to tell myself the point is to enjoy life as much as possible and appreciate whatI do have rather than what I don't. Best wishes. x

04-01-13, 18:33
Thank You to you all for your lovely comments and support.

Once again its you guys that have lent me the shoulder i needed to cry on ..God Bless you all.Thank You for being there :hugs:

04-01-13, 18:41
We all have days where we need a shoulder and days we can be a shoulder.:bighug1:

04-01-13, 20:53
Sarah Lou,
I bet your Dad would be lost without you!!! Seriously we still have our 28 year old son at home [it costs way too much to start out on your own these days]. We want him to be able to save up. Don't feel a failure at all. This is normal, don't be scared things will happen in good time. xx

04-01-13, 21:29
Hi Sarah, I've just joined to write a very similar post...like you I worry how I will ever manage on my own without someone/something to fall back on. I wish anxiety was a more understood mental health disorder so that people would be more empathetic about how we feel and a little less judgmental! As long as your happy what's the issue with living at home? And as for the future, I bet your a lot stronger than you think!

07-01-13, 00:15
Thank You Sarbr .Your words are of great comfort.Thank You for your support :hugs: