View Full Version : sudden chest and groin pain

04-01-13, 02:09
hey guys i havent really posted much but i kinda been lurkin on this site and commemt when i feel i can help, i have very bad anxiety and have for many years, well just now i had a heart palpitiation then adew mins later i got sudden left sided groin pain that goes up to the lft side of my chest then a fluttery feelin in my throat im quite scared to be honest xx also gettin pain in my back xx

04-01-13, 02:23
If it carries on then please do call 999 or out of hours doc or NHS direct for advice but it is very hard for us to advise when we are not docs - sorry

04-01-13, 02:27
i think its calmin down now, well i hope atleast, i know its very hard to help as your not doctors but sometimes it helps to know others have had the same thing, kinda helps calm you down, i will most certainly phone 999 if it worsens again. thankyou

04-01-13, 02:32
it could be indigestion maybe?

04-01-13, 02:39
i though that but i dont know where the groin pain would tie into it :/