View Full Version : throat problems

04-01-13, 07:20
I have had a sort throat on swallowing for four days ONLY on the left side. It is sore upon waking and then all day.The pain isn't bad, but it's annoying, made even more so because I am worrying about it.
Went to a bul billing GP about half an hour ago and he couldn't see any puss and that everything else appeared normal apart from a temp of 37.3, which indicates a low grade temp, or as he said 'at the upper end of normal'.
He said if it doesn't settle down by Monday I should go back.
Go back for what???????????? Terrified I have throat cancer.

04-01-13, 07:51
I imagine he wants you to go back for antibiotics if it's not cleared up, but giving it a chance to clear up on its own. I doubt very much that he thinks that it's throat cancer or he'd have carried out some immediate tests.