View Full Version : Going back to work

04-01-13, 11:31
Hi all:) I decided to start this thread as I am off sick at the moment with depression/anxiety since 4th of December 2012 and still don't feel ready to go back to work. I am taking my AD for 26 days now however I still suffer panics attacks / anxiety every morning and afternoon. It really makes me so guilty that I can't go back there yet as I know they need me there. The biggest problem is that as much as I really like my job it was the trigger for my anxiety/ depression. I just would like to hear how you manage to go back to work and for how long you have been off? For me 5 weeks it is such a long time to be off work and I am not sure if this is normal.

04-01-13, 12:23
I've been off since the first week in November and intend to go back (with my brain aided by 2 additional drugs, Pregabalin and Propranolol, with my usual Mirtazapine) on Thursday 10th - to make it a short week to start.

So that will be just over 2 months off. Difference is, I don't like my current role, and they're trying to find me another within the Dept. - also that job stress led to my being off long-term for the first time in 5 years.

You need to get better first, you'll know when you're ready. Don't feel guilty. Look after yourself.

04-01-13, 13:02
All I can say is don't rush back, if you don't feel ready, don't go and when you do go back, do it on a phased return. I have been off since June but initially it was due to an accident and metatarsal fractures but this triggered my anxiety. i would say my foot is healed enough to go back to work now but anxiety wise i am not well enough.

04-01-13, 13:09
Thanks Mark. I am glad you are better and hope they will find you something what you will enjoy more. I have very stressful job too with lots of responsibility + long working hours which I will have to change when i go back as I can't continuing living like this.

04-01-13, 13:16
I agree, if you are not ready, don't go back! I have been off work since July, going back to work caused me a huge relapse. Take your time, your health is more important, you will know when you are ready.

Kitti :)

04-01-13, 13:22
Thanks Annie. I am worry I can loose my job if I don't be back soon.

04-01-13, 13:24
They can't just sack you, there are processes to go through and they have to show they are supporting you.

04-01-13, 18:03
I have been off for 4 months now, my employers are very understanding, but I am still having to seriously try and get back to work. Some days I feel ready then another day I feel I won't be able to manage.
Like Annie said they cannot sack you so please do not worry, you need to get better and feel confident when you do return. Take care. :flowers:

04-01-13, 20:07
Hi princess , so sorry your going through this apprehension x

I had to quit a PGCE course 2 years ago this February. I was THAT bad, I am such a fighter, but when I was struck down gosh I was absolutely shocking! I have two small kids and we'd just moved house so, could have done with my bursery , which stopped. Shocking shocking and I've only just got back into the realm of work, which is for a charity helping teenagers who can't cope with mainstream school on a full time basis.

Takecare of yourself, think about you or if you rush back you might relapse :flowers: