View Full Version : here we go again.........

04-01-13, 12:39
So after a positive start to the new year I am again stressing over my heart!
I have had a terrible night. Was laying awake till 3am with chest pains and back pains. I convinced myself I was having a heart attack. Finally nodded off at just gone 3 and woke at 7 to go to work. Have taken the after noon off as I am so tired. Still getting short sharp chest pains and occasional back pain. Is this really anxiety. I am convinced I have a heart problem. I had an ECG 18 months ago and it was OK. I was told then that it was anxiety and have been diagnosed with GAD. Is it just me? I can't seem to snap out of it and break this cycle.

04-01-13, 12:47
I'm the same, I just can't seem to snap out of the heart thing either. I'm ready for another ECG just to make sure everything is alright. UGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! :)

04-01-13, 12:53
I feel your pain. I have palpitations every day and feel breathless and tired. I would rather be in physical pain than put up with this any longer.x

04-01-13, 12:57
I'm going through my own heart anxiety too. I get a pain every so often that feels like someone jabbing a needle in my upper chest. Every time I feel that I think "here it comes."

Hang in there. We're all in this together.

04-01-13, 13:40
Im right here alongside you guys. Its awful and by far the worse thing Ive ever had to go through in my life.

I really feel like im starting to win my battle with this but yesterday and today have not been great days. Ever since Ive started medication I have been getting really bad indigestion but its not like normal heartburn, there is no buring or acid taste its just like a constant pressure feeling right below my sternum. Even though the doctors have told me its indigestion and explained how the stomach nerves and heart nerves get connected it still freaks me out!

Got the pain right now and had Gaviscon but it hasnt shifted it. I keep telling myself Im fine and its anxiety and am genuinely starting to believe my heart is fine but sooner or later the constant barage of pains just gets your mind thinking what if this time? I know this is wrong and negative but its so so so hard to fight against.

Not had stabbing pains for quite a few days now but they have started again this afternoon as well. Oh joy!

04-01-13, 14:10
Thanks for the posts. I'm glad I'm not alone. I'm angry with myself for letting these silly thought getting in my head! I am finding that things are worse when I'm trying to get to sleep. I guess because there are no distractions and my mind works overtime.

04-01-13, 14:41
im the same. I take my Ipad to bed, plug my earphones in and watch a film when i can't sleep xx