View Full Version : Back to effexor, need advice pleaseeee

04-01-13, 13:05
Hi need some advice quickly, after 2 weeks at 30mg my duloxetine(cymbalta) and feelin better i was upped to 60mg and after 5 days my anxiety worsened so severly that now i also have valium. I went back to 30mg 6 days ago hoping that it would reduce back to where it was at 30mg but still the anxiety is severe ig not worse. So after being on effexor for 11 years which worked great i am thinking of going back on it as the dukloxetine appears to be either increasing my anxiety or doing nothing. My problemis that i am worried as after 11 years the effexor had starting messing with my liver enzymes especially gamma gt levels, also my thyroid had stopeed working properly. Is this too much of a gamble, i need to be rid of the awful anxiety as i cant get back to myself, i cant stand being out of work and the anxiety feeds on this, however coming off effexor was main reason i couldnt carry on, some advice please.