View Full Version : Feeling very down :-(

04-01-13, 16:33
For many months now I've been bullied in work and as a result I have constant panic attacks, I dread going to work, Im allways nearly sick from retching. Did speak to my manager and and things didn't get much better. I go into work and he ignores me. I've had enough, self harmed last night. Spoke to my manager again today and has said his guna have a word with the bully so we will see.

04-01-13, 16:45
Really sorry to hear about you being bullied. Your work place should have a grievance procedure for things like this. Are you in a union? If you are then you should contact them for advise.

04-01-13, 16:54
We don't have a union. I'm stuck with how I deal with it. Just been crying. Feels like I got a lump in my throat aswell. Xx

04-01-13, 16:58
Anyone can join a union. What type of work do you do? You could contact UNITE or UNISON. They will support you from the day you join. My daughter had some problems at work and I gave her the same advise. She phoned UNITE and joined that day and they supported her. It is so awful when you are unhappy in your work place. I hope that your employer will support you more. :hugs::hugs:

04-01-13, 17:10
I work in a supermarket in there bakery. Thanks for the advise I will have a look at that x hugs x

04-01-13, 17:18
Write a letter to your manager, if it is in writing he has to do something about it. Also phone UNITE http://www.unitetheunion.org/default.aspx?gclid=CMWx352az7QCFXDLtAodFHYAIg and tell them what is happening and ask if you can join. It only costs about £7 per month depending on your wage. They will be able to guide you through the grievance procedure. There is no way you should have to put up with this.

04-01-13, 17:27
I've been a victim of bullying in the workplace myself , so I can very much relate to how you feel.

Its the managers responsibility to effectively deal with the person or persons who are giving you such a bad time, being in work is essential for our income & nobody should have to go into work to face bullying.

Is there other people at your workplace that are mature minded & that friendly ? , as, I think you need people on your side as possible witness's as to support you.

I have to say , in my experience, I was bullied by just a couple of people, but I tried to ignore this, and so the problem spread as other people regarded me as an 'easy target' , even my dep't manager would subtly make sarcastic & patronizing comments towards me.
So this ground my self esteem & I started being late & basically lost motivation to face going to work , despite me enjoying the work I did.
I was sacked because of my bad time keeping, which then lead to more hardship, At the time, I found it hard to talk about 'why' I felt such an outcast, but since then I've come to terms & found out the reasons why I am like I am, (having possible aspergers) .
After 15yrs, I still have deep resentment for the 'ring leaders' who bullied me & forced me out of the job I was in.

Feel free to PM me on this.

04-01-13, 18:46
Yes no excuse for anyone getting away with bullying in this day and age and you shouldn't have to put up with it.

Put your grievance in writing. It should prompt a firm response from your employer else they are being negligent and can open themselves up to constructive dismissal so you should get some action.