View Full Version : Poor posture

Harrison Chase
04-01-13, 16:51
Hi , I have not posted for a while.

Some of you may recall , I have been going through a hard time since the summer.

IBS, back pain ,anxiety , depression etc . I have been passed on to a physio , who now reckons its all to do with poor posture ( I am very tall and spend far too much time on my laptop ).

Anyone else been through / heard of this ?

04-01-13, 16:54
I guess the back pain may have triggered the anxiety and depression which would trigger ibs.

04-01-13, 17:23
I am not convinced about that one

Have you had the physio and has it helped?

04-01-13, 17:44
Not sure in your case, but I eventually was told by a physio that my shoulder, arm and rib pain was because of my poor posture. I assumed my rib pain was my colon cramping because of my IBS, but GP said not. My shoulders apparently curve forward which was putting a strain on my whole upper body.
I was given exercises and told to practice standing straight instead of slouching, can't say I have noticed much difference pain wise, but I certainly look a bit better when walking around!
I have not heard of the connection with posture and IBS suppose there could be a link.

04-01-13, 18:59
If you aren't sitting correctly at a computer, desk etc it can most definitely attribute u with back issues. They did assessments where I work & since then we got chairs suited to our height. I,ve even got a forest. I'm forever having 2remind myself to sit properly & stand up straight. Tho I"'m not anywhere near as tall as u, I can get bad back, neck as well if I don't work at my posture.

04-01-13, 22:47
While pain caused by poor posture may lead to the exacerbation of existing anxiety or depression, actually causing these things is complete nonsense (IMHO of course).

04-01-13, 23:06
I think maybe the reverse is true, that because we spend so much time being tense we can more easily evelop poor posture. I certainly think we can hold a lot of tension in our bodies which can lead to is not feeling our best but I don't think poor posture is the cause of psyhcological problems personally.

04-01-13, 23:09
That makes sense cattia.

Certainly I've had lots of back trouble related to poor posture and I'm sure muscle tension is partly to blame.

The OP says he's tall, well I'm short so his problems are no doubt magnified compared to my own, although the principle's the same.

05-01-13, 10:18
interstingly i've been feeling really stiff and particularly un-supple lately. i'm certain its because over xmas/new year i wasnt at work, sitting properly and didnt get as much exercise as normal. i went outside this morning & thought i feel awful - so i had a good stretch. i need to remember that the more i respond to thinking i'm really stiff (particularly my back) then the more tense i am about it, which makes it even worse. i saw a chiropractor a while back & do have exercises i'm meant to do, but being lazy i have got out of the habit. do keep thinking it would best to get back into it. i suppose in the end you have to keep mobile & doing stuff otherwise you woudl sieze up, literally.