View Full Version : Chest pain - need some reassurance :(

04-01-13, 17:48
Hello, I'm struggling a bit today.

I've had bad chest pain since this morning, I'm pretty sure it's just anxiety and stress, I am very very stressed about money. Plus I was decorating yesterday so I probably pulled a muscle as I've been very inactive recently otherwise, I remember feeling a little sore after. Been taking paracetamol and had a good cry and chat with my mum today which helped it a bit but it's back again now. It took an hour for the painkiller to kick in but only lasted a couple of hours. Even though I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, I'm still worried and tense and that's not helping! I'm going to have a bath now but I had a panic attack last time I was in there so not sure it will relax me... I just need some kind reassurance please :weep:

04-01-13, 18:04
Sorry to hear you are having a bad day. I am sure it is the combination of stress and muscle strain, I always ache all over when I decorate. I hope the bath helps you and you feel better soon :hugs::hugs:

04-01-13, 18:26
Hi sorry you're struggling today. I've had constant chest pains for two days straight now after doing really well for a few weeks. Got to keep my chin up though. Always tomorrow.

04-01-13, 20:29
Hope you feel better soon, chest pain is a symptom of stress and anxiety. Where exactly is it and what kind of pain?

04-01-13, 23:00
Decorating used to give me terrible chest and arm pain, and yes, it always brought on a panic attack, I once reached up to get something from the top of my kitchen cupboard and something went 'snap' in my chest, I actually thought id broken myself, when infact it was just a very badly pulled muscle, the snapping noise sounded awful and didnt half give me a fright, I was in pain for about 2 weeks. If I want to decorate now I get my nephew to do it for me and pay him well, cos not only does he do a great job, it means the pains afterwards are his, not mine (he's young and fit so he can take it) and for that it saves me the anxiety.

I saw a therapist a while back and she said if I get pain in my chest and its worrying me, to walk up and down the stairs a few times. She said if I could do this then it probably was just anxiety. If I wasnt able to do this, she said its time to get some medical advice/attention.

Not sure how correct/incorrect her advice was, but I tried it from time to time and it always made me feel better and eased my anxiety if I could successfully manage to get up and down at least twice.

However obviously, if it is ever bad pain, and there seems no reason for it, then do ring a doctor/NHS direct for advice etc, but dont panic cos it would only get worse if it was anxiety causing it.

04-01-13, 23:31
Thanks for all your replies. I used to suffer chest pains ALL the time when I started to suffer anxiety but have hardly had anything in the past few years. I think this is muscular though, I'm often pulling muscles as I'm so tense all the time, and I just don't stretch and exercise enough... It's moved around a bit but the worst pain is right in the middle, feels like it sharp stab right through me like a knife, but it's only when I must be twisting or tensing up for a few seconds, not all the time. Just achey all the time. That few seconds of thinking I'm going to have a heart attack scares me silly. It's not got any worse so I'm sure I'm fine, just gotta start believing it... I do wish I could afford to pay someone to do my decorating!

05-01-13, 06:26
Hi panda I know what you mean. I know my heart is fine, I've had enough tests on it! I've been getting the chest pains for 7 months now and am getting better at accepting them and as a result they are getting less and less but every time I get one its that instant flash of panic. I guess there is nothing I can do about that as its so instant all I can control is what happens next which I'm getting better at. Not had a full blown panic attack for a few months but do still get a bit panicky when they persist and hang around for a few hours. Quick pains I can let go but after a few hours my negative mind has had long enough to break through and start saying "told you something was wrong!".