View Full Version : a question for Nichole

29-08-06, 09:51
Hi Nichole I was reading all the posts even from way back a few years ago.I read that you suffered from getting warm that is what I to suffered from but my blood pressure is normal.I don't get it that much but would like to no if you recovered from your anxiety.I also suffer from indigestion and a burny or churning stomach.I would like yo know if it ever goes away.Most of my other symptoms went away just stuck with the stomach ones

lots of luv [8D]

29-08-06, 19:29
Was this post meant for me Cindy?


30-08-06, 06:44
I think it is for you.I read a post about the symptoms I was getting and it had your name at the bottom.Im not sure if it is the same person but if yo can help with my question about the heat and indigestion if it ever goes away would be great


30-08-06, 19:04
I am still hot and the weather in July in the UK was unbearable.

I am constantly hot throughout the year.

I have been told I am very dehydrated and this could manifest as getting too hot so I am trying to drink more water to see if that helps.

Indigestion - still get it bad and I have to watch what I eat sometimes and then take some medication called Losec when it gets really bad. I am wondering at the moment if I have IBS as I have a lot of the symptoms so may pop to the doctor for a check-up.

I have to be careful what I eat when I get it and alcohol, spicy foods, fruit etc really aggrevate it.

Hope that helps.
