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View Full Version : Eye Strain - all the symptoms I had

04-01-13, 19:33
Just a little post to hopefully help anyone randomly looking on the web.

A couple of months ago I developed, nausea, dizziness, blurry vision, not able to focus properly, head aches, extreme fatigue, ear ache, dry eyes and of course anxiety during all of this!

I saw 5 different doctors - two regular doctors, 1 ENT specialist,1 optician and 1 opthemologist.

I had several check ups, full blood test, thorough eye test and an MRI of my brain and inner ear (checking for labyrinthitis).

Everything came back clear - apart from minor prescription in both eyes (0.5 and 0.75)

No doctor mentioned eye strain could be the cause of it, even when I asked.

But it was!

I noticed that I would get really nauseous if I was trying to focus on something or if i was on the computer etc.

This last for over 1 month!

I got some glasses, that I use for driving, reading and watching tv and stopped going on the computer and looking at my iPhone in the dark and voila it got better from the first day but took around 3 weeks to completely get better. I still (like right now) can feel the strain from looking at the computer but I know what the reason is.

So, if you know your eye sight isn't perfect (I thought mine was) and you sit a lot in front of computer - googling symptoms and forums, and have the symptoms above plus more then it is very likely that you could have eye strain.

Sorry for the long post!

04-01-13, 21:18
hi iamstrong thanks for your post it was so helpful I have been having a lot of eye symptoms and a lot similar to yours they have been really frightening me and I am focusing on them so they are increasing,but I think some of it could be eye strain do you get where you feel like like you stare and you have to almost make yourself blink like tired eyes I also get all a lot of blurry vision, thanks again . toria x

04-01-13, 22:10
Hi Toria

I am glad that helped.
Yes I got that stating and blinking thing too. Felt like I couldn't watch things in motion very well and would just state and have to blink.
Have you been straining your eyes a lot?

04-01-13, 22:30
Hi yes you described it to a tee that's how I feel thanks so much I though it was just me,yes I think I have I am very short sighted and wounded if my prescription needs changing also spend a l:hugs:ot of time on phone and tablet or reading kindle. Thanks again toria x

22-02-13, 03:30
Omg thank you for your post, Did you ever find it happening when trying to sleep even though you were tired, Private mail me please, I am getin this right now and been thinkin the worst!!! xxx

---------- Post added at 03:30 ---------- Previous post was at 03:27 ----------

Also did you get a lil tension headache when it happens aswell? x