View Full Version : dont know where to.turn next!

05-01-13, 00:02
Having a really bad time at the moment. Currently taking 20mg of citaloptam and feel like its no longer having any effect. My body and mind are exhausted from this horrible disease! My doctor hasn't offered much sympathy.(she never even offered me a tissue when she took one to blow her nose, and my tears were flowing)

I've been sent home with some beta blockers and a list of websites for self help! I have been referred for I -apt whatever that is but the woman only works on Fridays, which is the only day I work!

I feel like just turning up at a&e and demanding to see a psychotic doctor

05-01-13, 00:20
Ahh roxy:hugs:

I've had stress & issues over xmas with family = stress & it's evoking my anxiety symptoms a little. So ive now had panic/ anxiety for 2 years nearly, so it occurred to me that if I get stressed now as a sufferer , I'm always going to be at risk of a relapse.
I was given propranolol , never used it! But if you can, try taking the meds.
Some doctors are only doctors for prestige & money, half should be sacked or retrained. A little sympathy wouldn't go amiss :hugs:

05-01-13, 00:24
I have taken one about half hour ago and don't feel any effects from it. Just going to watch tv in bed until I fall asleep.

Thanks for your kind words, means a lot :)

05-01-13, 00:25
I would change doctors and find one that is more sympathetic to be honest.

A&E can't help to be honest.

You could ask for CBT therapy.

Have you read any self-help books?

05-01-13, 00:25
Or you could try the No Panic telephone recovery course as well

05-01-13, 00:28
I know, they are pretty useless! I did go to one cbt session but I just filled out a form, so didn't see what use that would be. Maybe I should have given it a chance xx

05-01-13, 00:37
Yes give CBT a chance

05-01-13, 01:38
Roxy sweetheart, I am at my lowest atm hang in there, we are all in this together.

Get a better doc xx :hugs:

05-01-13, 02:15
Thanks for your support, I feel like I'm going insane! Just been looking at pics of my beautiful boys and been and given them both a kiss whilst asleep. They keep me strong!

05-01-13, 02:22
Bless you, look after them xx