View Full Version : Teriffied of Pregnany! Unsure Please Read!

05-01-13, 00:54
Not sure If this is the right website for a topic like this, but I sure am paniced about this situation I keep thinking about.

I got the implanon Implant put in my arm on 15th November, Whilst on what I thought was my period. I have scared myself silly reading about spotting and implantation bleeding! The Bleeding I had when it was inserted was like this; present for 6 days, went through 4 tampons a day on heaviest. When from heavy to light over the 6 days. Also had normal period pain symptoms. Does that sound like a period to you ladies?

Also my other worry is. After thinking, and over thinking, worrying I may have had unprotected sex during end of october beginning of november.
I have taken 4 tests since then. Including 1 yesterday and they have all been negative.
If I take one tomorrow, and it is negative, will it mean my pregnancy worries from when I had sex before I had the implant be put to rest. It was well over a month ago so a test would detect it by now surely?

So yes, summary,
Was that a period I had in november?
And If i took a test In January, will it determine the outcome of sex during late october/early november.Before the implant was inserted?

Please someone give me some reassurance! I'm going to to doctor in the week for a chat but at 1am there is no one I can talk to right now!

05-01-13, 01:34
I would say yes it was a period and no you are not pregnant - 4 tests can't be wrong!

05-01-13, 01:36
Really you think. I just want to take multiple tests! I feel like I don't trust them and I will never really know until I suddenly have a big belly!
Being on the implant means I wont get regular periods every month, it varies for each person. I have had a few bleeds lasting only a day since I got it put in in November.

05-01-13, 01:38
No you are not pregnant

You do not need to do multiple tests - it was months ago now so not like it was only a week or so

I have the coil fitted and don't get periods now which is fantastic

05-01-13, 02:00
Did that help?

05-01-13, 02:12
Yes you are helping me feel more reassured. It's annoying because If I sit down and think about things. I think i know im not pregnant, I think that it was actually a period I had when the implant got fitted. Which takes away a worry
And the fact a test would be accurate, because they are made to be accurate, and would be valid by now, also reassures me. But in my head I just over think and scare my self silly! It is horrible!

05-01-13, 02:20
Well you need to forget this pregnancy worry because you are not pregnant.

I think you need to address the worry reasons though

Take care

Stands mum
05-01-13, 09:39
Just to add to what Nicola said, you are definitely not pregnant. Stop worrying about it. :)

05-01-13, 10:06
I get obsessed when trying to actually get pregnant and I can tell you that from what you said I would be upset because all those things you mentioned means that you are not pregnant.

We are currently trying for number 3 so I am hoping not to have all of the above.

Don't worry, it's not as easy as you think to get pregnant.

Hope you are feeling much better

05-01-13, 11:05
I feel allot better about things now.
Taken another test- also negative. But then I worry that the test maybe invalid or did it wrong or something! Even though I followed instructions!

Everything feels worse at night! last night I felt so low and had no one to talk to about it! Now its the morning and I have all these replies I feel a lot happier about things. Thank you everyone who has replied!

05-01-13, 11:16
I get obsessed when trying to actually get pregnant and I can tell you that from what you said I would be upset because all those things you mentioned means that you are not pregnant.

We are currently trying for number 3 so I am hoping not to have all of the above.

Don't worry, it's not as easy as you think to get pregnant.

Hope you are feeling much better
It was easy for my wife and I. First time. Damnit!!!!!! I wanted some time to 'practice'.
Bex, you aren't pregnant. Everything you said points to not being pregnant. So please stop worrying yourself.

05-01-13, 14:54
Thankyou everyone for you replies It has been very helpfull!