View Full Version : Stabbing head ache

Anxious lu
05-01-13, 01:51
I have had a twitchy eye brow all day and been working on my assignment all day.. Now I keep getting a twinge stabbing head pain/ache and it is really really worrying me.. I'm scared to sleep.

05-01-13, 02:00
I think it is cos of what you have been doing

Have you had your eyes tested recently

Anxious lu
05-01-13, 02:14
I too suffer migraines but this isn't like that it's a sharp shooting pain that comes then goes really fast it's just happened a few times tonight.. I think it's probably staring at the laptop all day frowning..

I need to stop being silly..

Anxious lu
05-01-13, 08:43
To be honest it was more of a tight pressure pain in the side of my head. A few hours sleep and it's gone thankfully.

Thank you for the replies I think I'm just overworked, run down and had little sleep recently. X