View Full Version : What comes first the low self esteem or the anxiety?

05-01-13, 08:05
I've been focusing mainly on anxiety but what if anxiety is a symptom of having low self esteem along with depression and everything else? In trying to get better I've always focused on anxiety and while I lead a fairly normal life, I go to work etc etc I am trapped in a comfort zone and the anxiety keeps returning.

If I look back to when I was in primary school I got bullied, I had eczema so others made fun of me, I was an only child with strict religious parents, I had a very negative outlook on life, so I guess it was no big surprise I developed anxiety issues in my late teens.

So I am thinking would focusing on low self esteem be more beneficial that trying to cure anxiety? which clearly isn't working.

05-01-13, 09:04
Hi Sam,
I was raised to believe that I was bloody useless so low self-esteem came first with me. I hesitate to give you advice but I now look outwards rather than inwards and Duloxetine helps tremendously with this. I wish you all the best.


05-01-13, 09:05
Low self esteem always comes first (second and last)

05-01-13, 09:07
So in theory curing the low self esteem should cure the other symptoms such as anxiety, depression etc?

05-01-13, 09:12
In my case it has. I can't speak for everyone. But my experience as a mental health social worker tells me that low self esteem and or trauma was at the heart of most mental distress (unless it was organic / biological in origin).

Love & value yourself, prioritise your own needs and desires, be true to yourself and a lot will change for you for the better, regardless of your mental health status.

05-01-13, 09:22
Yep - when you're happy with yourself the world becomes a lot brighter

05-01-13, 09:29
Yep - when you're happy with yourself the world becomes a lot brighter

I totally agree.

I'm not spamming, but my most recent thread might be helpful for you to read and give some insight into where I am coming from. If this post is not helpful, I am happy to delete it from your thread. Read and let me know your thoughts


05-01-13, 10:07
I totally agree.

I'm not spamming, but my most recent thread might be helpful for you to read and give some insight into where I am coming from. If this post is not helpful, I am happy to delete it from your thread. Read and let me know your thoughts


The most important being my attitude. I have always been a very positive person with a lust for life. This hit me immediately, I am the polar opposite, I have always been negative and feel everyone and everything is out to get me, anything that usually can go wrong usually does, I believe this again is all down to self esteem.

06-01-13, 06:08
This hit me immediately, I am the polar opposite, I have always been negative and feel everyone and everything is out to get me, anything that usually can go wrong usually does, I believe this again is all down to self esteem.

If you have a negative attitude you will attract negative people and experiences. Once you change your outlook to a more positive one, you will attract totally different relationships and experiences.

Have you tried things like CBT, positive affirmations ad relaxation audios?

These Claire Weekes audios may be helpful


Take care & good luck! :)

06-01-13, 17:54
For me anxiety came first, low self esteem second.

I've had anxiety as long as I can remember, probably due to serious physical illness as a child. But I was always in the top classes at school, shy, but not lacking in self esteem.