View Full Version : Feel like a robot!!!!!!!!

05-01-13, 09:21
Hi just wondering if any of these feelings r normal with panic attacks/anxiety.
I'm having them horrible butterflies constantly, I could feel fine then they start n it leaves me with a feeling of dread and like a black cloud over me, also I no this sounds strange but I honestly do feel like a robot, getting on with normal day to day things but wondering how on earth am I doing all this, feel like I'm not there, like I'm sumwer else looking at myself doing everything, it's so horrible really scares me cuz I feel like I'm in a dream, also my old fear of getting schizophrenia is coming back, I swear last night I think I almost convinced myself I had it n accepted it, it's seriously freaks me out. And is it normal to have the most bizarre thoughts when your having a panic attack??

05-01-13, 09:35
Hi Paula,
Is it normal to have bizarre thoughts? Well it is for me and I don't need a PA to set them off. I deal with them by going into the chatroom and talking to real people in real time. I wish you all the best.


05-01-13, 15:34
Hi just wondering if any of these feelings r normal with panic attacks/anxiety.
I'm having them horrible butterflies constantly, I could feel fine then they start n it leaves me with a feeling of dread and like a black cloud over me, also I no this sounds strange but I honestly do feel like a robot, getting on with normal day to day things but wondering how on earth am I doing all this, feel like I'm not there, like I'm sumwer else looking at myself doing everything, it's so horrible really scares me cuz I feel like I'm in a dream, also my old fear of getting schizophrenia is coming back, I swear last night I think I almost convinced myself I had it n accepted it, it's seriously freaks me out. And is it normal to have the most bizarre thoughts when your having a panic attack??
i have that all the time. it,s very disturbing. & i just don,t know how to break away from it. xxxxx

06-01-13, 09:14
Fruity do u suffer from all the symptoms I said or just a particular one??

06-01-13, 15:34
i know the feeling i feel like that all the time like a robot and feel like in a dream aswell as my depression and anxiety i do to get panic attacks i know there not nice cos of it all i dont leave the house much last time was when i had to go for my hospital appointment on the 18th of dec havent left the house since and i also feel like a black cloud is hanging over me too so i know of how ya feeling so your not alone x