View Full Version : guts churning

29-08-06, 10:42
My insides feel upset all the time and i feel sick a lot. The more i think about it the worse it gets. does anyone else feel like this????

29-08-06, 13:17
Hi Matilda and welcome to the forum.

Nausea and diarrhoea were my first signs of anxiety. It certainly does get worse the more you think about it because you're making yourself more anxious.

Its hard not to think about it, but recently I've been telling myself that it will pass and it usually does. there's lots of information about symptoms and self-help on the home page which are easy to follow and very reassuring. Hope this helps.


29-08-06, 18:51

When I start to get anxious I notice it first in my stomach and it just goes round and round, then I feel faint and then sick. Hang on in there


29-08-06, 18:57
its a pain isnt it, this then usually leads on to trembling after with me.
what i find helps is saying to myself "its only my stomach moving" and for the shaking "its only the adrenalin leaving my body" sounds wierd i know but it works for me

we are all stronger people after having this

29-08-06, 21:26
hi matilda,i had this last week,and it made me feel so rotten!in the end i went doctors(again lol!!!)and she said it,s anxiety.she gave me some anti nausea tablets,but i have,nt yet used them as it seems to have gone a little bit(wether thats due to the fact that i now know what has caused it)but i know that you must be feeling rough with it!if it does persist perhaps go doctors and get some tablets too.but i do sympathise as it has to be one of the worst symptoms!!!
take care
rachel x

30-08-06, 14:48
Know how you feel Matilda! Have the same feeling in my stomach quite a bit. Its really awful I know. I find that if I do something that makes me happy, distracts me or relaxes me the feeling goes away. My way is drinking coffee and watching something good on TV lol (know thats dumb), but it works!

Hope your feeling better soon

Love Ness xoxoxoxo:D