View Full Version : Heart Failure

05-01-13, 11:47
Help I am terrified I have heart failure as I get cold hands and feet, palpitations, thumping heart beat and shortness of breath. I no I shouldn't have but I looked on google for symptoms an I have loads of them. I have only had blood tests by my Doc and told I have anxiety. So no ECG. I am only 17 if that makes a difference and although I am always short of breath I can run a long way if I have to.

05-01-13, 11:55
Hi Nick it sounds very much like anxiety and panic attacks however you should get yourself checked out properly as a first port of call.

I really do think it is but an important part of accepting it and healing your mind is having the tests and the doctors telling you you are fine. I have to use this every time I get chest pains to reassure myself.

At your age, the risk of heart failure would be very very small but obviously we aren't doctors here and can't diagnose over a website. Get checked by the professionals and when you get the all clear accept and believe what they tell you.

Also don't google symptoms! It's the worst thing you can do! No one writes about stuff that isn't exciting like normal heart palpitations so all the top hits scream heat attack/heart failure when actually the chances of someone healthy having one, especially at your age will be way way down the list of probable causes.

Get a check to set your mind at ease.

05-01-13, 12:11
Thanks :D

05-01-13, 12:26
Heart failure at 17 is pretty much a no.
Think about it this way.
Every time I play cricket (and I play at a reasonably high level), while waiting to bat I get:

cold hands and feet, palpitations, thumping heart beat and shortness of breath

Does that mean I have heart failure every time I go out to bat? Probably.:)
But these symptoms are so general, it's a million to one shot bud.
Sounds like your heart is fine, but your mind needs a bit of reassuring.

05-01-13, 13:10
Thanks Justin, everything scares me ATM

05-01-13, 13:18
Thanks Justin, everything scares me ATM

I've noticed you're scared about alot of circulatory problems and for people our age, if we'd had blood tests and surveillance from Doctors than we're very much clean of any inflictions.

Heart failure happens for a variety of reasons (long term and short) and for people under the age of fifty, you normally have some underlying condition. You are fine. I have palpitations, my hands are cold right now! I've got shortness of breath at times; but I've had an ECG and blood tests, CTs and a Lumbar Puncture.

Nothing pointed to heart failure as 98% of people on this forum get what you get- You're fine. Whenever you start to worry or feel that impending doom, just take a breath (even a little one) and think about how you're still here, typing walking around. You're fine.

05-01-13, 17:52
Thanks Ziggy, sometimes I need people to say how ridiculous I am being :)