View Full Version : Please help

05-01-13, 13:35
Hello all,I am new here. About 5 weeks ago I got food poisoning and was really sick for over a week. Since then I have had recurrent nausea and extremely high anxiety. I also feel like my appetite is terrible. I get very bad health anxiety when I am stressed and now I don't know when the nausea/ loss of appetite is due to feeling very anxious or is it real and something to worry about. I have also recently had a sinus infection and been on antibiotics. I am obsessing terribly and worrying myself obsessively.
I have been coping with a daily Xanax but now find its not working and that several hours after taking it I feel really anxious.
I am worried now as I am afraid to eat because I am convinced whatever it is is going to make me feel sick. Is this just bad anxiety? Any advice welcome.

05-01-13, 15:20
High anxiety can cause nausea and needing to run to the loo more often. I would suggest you eat quite bland foods and snacks rather than a big meal to start with. Bananas are very good to eat, fruit and jelly, toast, rice.

05-01-13, 15:25
It can take a while for your tummy & appetite to recover after a prolonged period of feeling poorly. I had a stomach bug a while before Christmas, and it took a good 2 to 3 weeks before I started to feel normal again, for the same reasons as you mention - I didn't know what was the bug, and what was anxiety. Also, a course of antibiotics strips all the good bacteria from your digestive system, so it can take a while to get back to normal after that as well. As Annie suggested, try to eat little and often and have a little bit of what you fancy. Yoghurts are good to help replenish your good bacteria, and also help to stimulate digestion naturally because they're a culture. The same with cheese.