View Full Version : Anxiety and relationships.

05-01-13, 15:54
Im new, sorry if this is in the wrong place!
I have a desperate urge to constantly check up on my partner. I feel like I have to out-wit him to catch him out of whatever it is he is doing behind my back. Whenever he is at work or not with me I am very worried and stressed that he is cheating on me, etc. I find it very difficult to trust him or believe what he says. I hate being apart from him and find it very distressing if he goes out late with his friends, which is hardly ever. It causes a strain on the relationship and is very unfair on him and we are working on resolving this behaviour which I am rather ashamed of. Im terrified that if I relax on the subject something bad will happen. Does anyone else have any experiences similar to this? It's driving me and him crazy. I would love to just feel content. Please don't criticise me, I know I'm wrong for behaving this way. :(

05-01-13, 16:00
Yes yes yes!! This is my main source of continual anxiety and panic. I have lost several relationships because of it unfortunately. My anxiety is more to do with i think something terrible is goin to happen to him as opposed to him cheatin but ifeel exactly the same as you do. Im in a relatively new relationship n i can tell hes already gettin annoyed by me constantly needed to know hes alive 24/7.

So yes...100% i know how u feel. If you find any helpful treatments let me know


05-01-13, 16:08
Hi Laura,
Welcome to the site. I hope you fins as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.
