View Full Version : Beta blockers vs diazepam

05-01-13, 16:05
Hey all

Just a quick question...do beta blockers give a smiliar effect as diazepam? I have only just started prozac and doc has given me couple wks diazepam cus i was hysterical. The diazepam is amazing n cus i cant have anymore i was wondering if beta blockers had a similiar calmin effect n can ppl take these alongside anti depressents?

Thanks in advance! Xxx

05-01-13, 16:13
Hi there

I have taken both Diazepam and beta blockers (propanolol) with antidepressants. I agree with you I find Diazepam amazing but GPs do not like handing this out as eventually you will need more and more to get the same effects. Its fine if you take it for a short period of anxiety say 2 weeks or just use it occasionally for anxiety or a panic attack as and when needed. I too was confused as to what beta blockers could do for my anxiety. Well they seem to stop the physical effects of anxiety or panic in that it slows your heart rate down and blocks the adernalin getting your back up and making you panic. It can stop heart paliptations too. I did not find it useful as my anxiety was more mental than physical but by taking them I could see that yes they would be very useful for stopping a panic attack that had overwhelming heart beating fast etc etc.

05-01-13, 16:35
Ive been taking 160mg of Propranolol for years and its never touched my anxiety, I wish it would, tho I dont take it for that.

Diazepam on the other hand, is great for panic, but as already said, you get used to the dose, and then need more, been there and still doing it. Trying other meds now to get rid of my need for Diazepam.

If you find propranolol does help you then stick to that and id only use Diazepam for emergencies.

Good luck :yesyes:

05-01-13, 16:55
Also having been on both (Valium for 10 days) from experience I can say that the two are poles apart.

Valium obviously has a pronounced calming effect, whereas beta-blockers generally slow your heart rate.

That said Propranolol can be very reassuring if you have panic or hear anxieties.

05-01-13, 17:18
Hi yes I've been on both and agree with Mark very different. I have some diazepam for emergencies only. Had them a few weeks now and so far only need 3. I wouldn't say the effect was as dramatic as some other users have reported and I take 5mg though it takes the edge off. Might try a bigger dose next time as doc said I can have up to 10mg per day.

Propranolol just slows my heart rate down a bit and stops the adrenaline from pumping as much but I've pretty much stopped these now as I'm convinced its what causes my heartburn.

05-01-13, 17:48
Thanks guys for ur replies...really helpful. I am in a constant state of high anxiety both mentally n physically so maybe ill mention it to the doctor when i go back about whether beta blockers would be useful for me.

Its frustrating when diazepam works so fantastically for so many ppl, i wish they could come up with somethin similar without the problems diazepam comes with. I try only use it in emergencies but honestly thats everyday at the moment


05-01-13, 17:54
Are you taking antidepressants as well ?X

05-01-13, 17:58

I'm on Pregabalin (licensed for anxiety disorder, but originally an anti-epileptic). I find that this has had a major calming effect on my body, although the effects vary from day to day.

Unfortunately a lot of GPs won't prescribe it because it's still under patent and costs 60 times more a month than SSRIs.

05-01-13, 18:16
Yeah im takin prozac but only just started but been on it before a few years ago.

Thanks Mark, i will definately ask about that drug. How did you come to be prescribed it if you dont mind me asking?


05-01-13, 18:25
Do you find that Prozac worked for you in the past ? It should work for you again.

05-01-13, 18:49
It's all trial and error. The serotonin related drugs are most popular, with least sexual side effects. I've mever been on beta blockers.

I have panic attacks that valium has no effect on and I never liked it anyway.

05-01-13, 19:44
Antidepressants normally take a few weeks before they start working. If you were in a bad way, your doctor probably wanted you to have something to help you before the prozac started to work. Hopefully once it does you will find your anxiety is not quite as bad.

Keep your doctor in the loop. If you're not managing once you run out of diazepam go back and tell him how you're doing.

05-01-13, 20:16
I found diazepam more effective than beta blockers as my anxieties are around intrusive thoughts - I don't get palpitations or a racing heart very often. Even on 80mg slow release I generally just felt lethargic and it didn't touch the thoughts.

I find herbal sedatives effective - they're very mild compared with the benzos but they can take the edge of anxiety and don't come with tolerance/addiction like diazepam does. Try chamomile or valerian tea - you can also try valerian tablets if you need more of a calming effect.

05-01-13, 20:21
Try chamomile or valerian tea - you can also try valerian tablets if you need more of a calming effect.

Do you feel Valerian tea/tablets have an effect on you? I was looking at these a few days ago but wasnt sure?

05-01-13, 20:54
I actually think chamomile tea had more of an an effect than valerian tea/tablets to be honest.

They all seem to have a mild calming effect, not too noticeable but enough to take the edge off anxiety/agitation. They are good for sleep too but unlike sleeping pills they don't come with a drowsy effect the next day.

I'd definitely give chamomile tea a try - twinings seems like a good brand but you can get tesco own brand fairly cheaply too. Leave the bag in the cup and add some honey if you don't find the taste too appealing.

Valerian also seems to have a taste that a lot of people don't appreciate - it supposedly tastes like unwashed feet, though for some reason I really like the smell/taste. I'd drink it for that even if it had no effects on me. Dr Stuarts does a nice valerian tea blend. If you have any pet cats though keep the teabags away from them - it apparently has a similar effect on them to catnip!

05-01-13, 21:57
Thanks for that info, will pick some up when I go shopping and have a try. No worry about cats here, its a doggie house so should be safe :)