View Full Version : Anxiety and Memory

05-01-13, 22:00

Was just wondering if anyone has had problems with memory? I have an anxiety disorder and recovering from depression, but my memory hasn't improved very much since I was hospitalised in the summer. I was suicidal, convinced I was being possessed so would spent hours on the floor crying and screaming so I guess my brain was protecting me from the bad stuff. I thought as I got better memory would get better, and I'm worried about having to sit my uni exams in May. My psychiatrist said its just me being absent minded and not concentrating properly, but studying would be a lot harder than it used to be. I have to set alarms on my phone to remind me to do things, but as soon as I turn it off I've forgotten it's even been! I've had to ask lecturers if I turned up the week before because huge chunks can go missing-weeks, even months! I know I'll just need to work really hard, but I was wondering if anyone else has had this and what helps? It'll be a slow process but would like to think exams will be okay!

Thanks :)

08-01-13, 19:33
Hi there,

I seem to get different symptoms each month, and this month i'm worrying about my memory. It has to be connected to anxiety because everything else is ! I'll go upstairs to get something and totally forget what i went up for.
I'm generally a bit dippy and clumsy but because im worrying its making me think i need to go to the docs! but ill resist.

09-01-13, 02:20
I use a calender to note down what I have to do and where I have been. I have one in the kitchen and one called rainlendar on my computer. I find it really helps as my memory is awful, really crap, its useful when I need to look back and check up on things.

09-01-13, 08:05
Yes, my once great memory has evaporated and hasn't came back yet either. I'm a student too but I don't need to sit exams (doctoral study) so a diary is fine for me. If you feel your exams will be a real problem and you can get some support from your GP I would definitely make some enquiries regarding extending your allotted time or any other help you may require. You have an anxiety disorder which is affecting your cognitive abilities and you should be given the same consideration as other people who need special assistance (dyslexic students for example). I would also recommend making a guidance teacher/personal tutor aware of the problems you're having. Hopefully you'll find that you get some support and understanding. Universities sometimes have quite good counseling facilities, which I use myself at my uni, you can always look into this as if you're going through problems you can have them talk to your lecturers for you. x

09-01-13, 19:56
Thanks guys :) I'm currently going to the counselling, and have applied for DSA (disabled students allowance.) The uni have given me a livescribe pen which is very helpful for lectures and things, it'll just be interesting when it comes to replying fully on my brain to write essays haha. The psychiatrist just told me apart from finding it harder to study it'll be fine. Even if I try and concentrate and manage not to drift off, I still forget most of what has happened. Student support are trying to help as much as they can with applying for DSA, but I think I'll just be up to me now. SAAS are funding my year again cause I'm repeating, so this really is my last chance to do this year or I'll have to leave because I can't afford to pay for fees. No pressure there! Just as well we have first go and 2 resist!

09-01-13, 23:09
Great to hear you're getting the help you need from uni; good luck with your studies! :hugs: