View Full Version : Tinnitus playing up

06-01-13, 01:44
I've had ringing in the left ear from what I can distinguish for the last 3 weeks, over time it has become less annoying and the ringing did go down quite a lot where I could only hear if I tried to listen to it and it wasn't loud, but for the past hour it has become quite loud and its stressing me out, just when I'm about to go sleep, I don't know what could have caused it, maybe a glass of coke? I'm thinking because of the caffeine not entirely sure. But I have an exam on weds and I don't want it to stress me out even more whilst revising

06-01-13, 01:52
I have tinnitus too, it comes and goes with no rhyme or reason. I wish you luck with your exam.


06-01-13, 01:55
Is yours in both or one ear? I think its my left, but when I try pin point it sounds like both in the middle of my head. Have you had it for long? And do you think it could be stress related? I'm 21

06-01-13, 09:50
It's mainly in my right ear. And yes, I've had it for a long time but when I'm feeling okay I don't even notice it. And yes, I guess it could be stress related. I am on meds so it could be med related too. It is annoying but not harmful, I just try to get on with things. All the best.


06-01-13, 10:02
I get tinnitus now and again in my left ear, sometimes a whistle other times a pulsating sound , like I can hear my heart beat.
Mine does seem to come on when I feeling anxious or stressed but usually if I ignore it , it eventually wears off.
I have had mine for about 10 years but luckily it is only there for short periods of time. Take Care.

06-01-13, 17:58
I've always had tinnitus, a high pitched sound in both ears, but it used to be drowned out by the slightest sound and only be loud at night. However it's got louder these past few years, possibly due to the mirtazapine?

It's a steady shriek so it's tolerable, but I've had an extra sound in my right ear the past few weeks for no reason.

As Baggs says, these thing sometimes just come and go and you can't pin down the cause.