View Full Version : Feeling alone

06-01-13, 02:44
I feel so alone feel like none of my family understand me and what I'm going through had a bad breakdown in September felt like I had completely lost the plot, I am so afraid of losing control of my mind feel like I am an empty shell of a person fearful of everything scared of who and what I am nothing feels real, living in a fog of fogginess so confused

06-01-13, 04:31
Hey everything you describe there is typical anxiety / Panic issues....are u on any meds or any therapy or anything?

06-01-13, 06:17
i know how u feel hun trust me you are most certainly not alone x

06-01-13, 09:30
The chatroom works for me, some good people there. All the best.


06-01-13, 10:15
Don't give up hope hun, I have had a few severe breakdowns in the past few year and am mid one at the moment so know exactly how you feel.

What you need to remember is that even if your family don't understand what our going through, they love you and are there for you and will support you no matter what. Keep that in mind because you are never alone. You should also try talking to them because they may surprise you and know exactly what is happening at the moment. I thought that mine wouldn't and when I eventually spoke to them they had been in the same position in the past just never told me!

These forums are a great place for support as well. I only joined yesterday but reading other posts makes me realise I am not alone and I am picking up strength from other peoples experiences and learning new things all the time. I really want to use the Chatrooms to establish a new support base and can't wait till I am allowed into them after the new user time limit lifts.

One thing that I would definitely do is go and see your doctor and discuss the options. Short term medication may be a great solution for you and it's worth speaking to the doctor to see what he/she thinks. Not all medications are going to be right for you so it will be a case of trial and error hitting on one that's right but don't lose sight of the goal that you will get better with support and the right treatment.

If you ever need a sounding board or shoulder to cry on, pm me x