View Full Version : New fear my heart!

Anxious lu
06-01-13, 10:42
Okay so in the last 5-6 months I had had an MRI, two ecgs in A&E, blood tests before the MRI-no abnormalities

Okay so the last few weeks I have nothices I get out of breath more than usual. I talk to my sister on the phone when walking home. I've been told I power walk everywhere people have to run to keep up with me but I get so out of breath I have to hang up on her.

Yesterday twice about an hour and half after food my chest become very tight and I found it difficult to take deep breaths. This made my so anxious I was swaying and dizzy and had to remove myself from work for ten minutes.

At first I believed that this was acid reflux as I how been on mess for it before. However I stupidly googled in which I found that if you get out of breath when eating it could be because the blood rushes to your stomach to digest and any heart problems are amplified.. I'm
Not scared to eat!

I just made a quick brisk run for the bus in which my pulse was pounding and I got breathless.

IM Realy worried about this now :-(

Sorry for the essay x

06-01-13, 11:53
Hi Lucy if you've had your heart tested and been told you are fine then it's anxiety causing this. Hyperventilating is one of the most common symptoms though not one I get myself. If you are feeling anxious and on edge (and remember you may not know you are it could be I your subconscious) thenyoumight start hyperventilating.

With health anxiety you are also far more tuned into your bodies normal functions. I know I am much more aware of my heart rate now than I used to be. Have managed to get to the gym for the last two days which is a big step for me as not been for weeks worried about straining my hard. I've made it through and didn't check my pulse rate (which was hard to resist) but could feel my heart beating fast. Negative thoughts flashed through that it was beating too fast and wasn't normal, I the looked around to see very red faced people all around me and I'm sure their heart rates were beating pretty quickly as well!

It's the same with you running for the bus. It's probably always got your heart rate going you just haven't been tuned in to it before.

Anxious lu
06-01-13, 12:46
Thank you for the reply. I don't feel as though im hyperventilating it's never something I have done before. I still hope it's acid reflux and my noticing my heart rate and breathlessness is like you said because I'm lookin for it.

The tests were not for my heart but I hope something would have been found with such intrusive tests. The doctor did however make a point 5 months ago after the MRI that my circulatory system was fine.

I bet that was hard for you, fighting these self checking behavious is incredibly hard, but as you say after a physical work put like the one you had at the gym you could only expect your heart to be going like mad c

06-01-13, 13:03
The ecgs would have shown up any abnormalities so don't worry.

And with hyperventilating apparently a lot of people dont even know they are doing it untl they get breathless so I wouldn't rule it out. It comes from tensing your stomach which you may not be aware of.

Anxious lu
06-01-13, 13:15
Well I subconciously tense every other muscle on my body so could well be x

06-01-13, 13:18
We all do Hun. I used to do it with my jaw. Had no idea I was tensing until it started really aching!

06-01-13, 13:23
With health anxiety you are also far more tuned into your bodies normal functions.

I REALLY hate this part! Whenever I'm going through something, I am so hyper-aware of every sensation and how it's related to whatever disease I'm fretting over.

06-01-13, 13:59
I woke up that way this morning, I was cleaning, and all the sudden I felt like it is was a little hard to breathe. It is scary. Then I check the pulse, and get caught up in the cycle. (I just said well, I guess I am going to fall over cleaning, because I gotta get this done) I kept going, and it passed. We really are in control over our thoughts, I could of fell into the I'm dying thing, but I chose not, and it went away. (at least for now) Now I have to convince myself it was not my heart, or something else, it's just me being me. Try just to keep going, no matter how hard it seems, you have been checked, so just keep saying, I have been checked, I will be alright. It's just anxiety. Wish I could wave a wand, and it would be gone for all of us. Hope you feel better soon. :hugs: