View Full Version : Sleepless nights

06-01-13, 10:42
Just had another really sleepless night and feeling shattered. For once my anxiety is not about myself and my sometimes irrational panics. I'm so worried about the health of a close family member who is, like me, an anxious person and is not well, potentially seriously unwell. He has been advised to take further tests and is absolutely miserable. He is pretty much phobic when it comes to doctors and hospitals and is talking about refusing treatment. His anxiety levels are sky high. There is going to be no easy fix to alleviating his current situation and it is such a worry for all of us. I'm now feeling so strung out this morning after lying tearfully awake for most of the night. I'm very tempted to go back to bed and try to get a few hours sleep now but worried that this might affect how I sleep tonight. Any thoughts?

06-01-13, 11:47
I'm sorry about your relative. I hope he can accept the treatment he needs to get well.

Being overtired can also affect sleep. I'd recommend a short nap if you're having difficulty staying awake, no more than 2 hours and no later than 3pm works for me.

06-01-13, 11:56
I feel for you. I sleep much better on my settee in the daytime than my bed at night. But I don't have any answers, sorry.


06-01-13, 13:25
Thanks for your replies. I've decided to avoid going for a sleep now and am going to try and keep myself busy in an effort to distract myself in the hope I'll sleep tonight. When I'm anxious about my own issues I try to tell myself that there's nothing to worry about really, that it's all about mind over matter. The trouble is that the health issues my relative is having are very real and definitely a cause for concern. I can't tell myself it's mind over matter so I'm going to have to find another way to handle my anxiety. I know worrying is no help but I can't help but do it. Aargh!