View Full Version : Diazipam

06-01-13, 11:24
I was just wondering can diazipam mask over any other illness other than anxiety,any reply will be most appreciated Thanks seanydee x

06-01-13, 11:28
Hi seanydee

Not quite sure what you mean? Do you mean can taking diazepam mask symptoms of an illness? Im not 100% sure but would guess not. As you probably know diazepam will calm you down so will slow your heart rate. Is this what you mean? I have diazepam and propranolol for when i need them and it had crossed my mind was taking them slowing my heart rate down and helping take the strain off my heart. Almost like if I didn't take it I would have a problem.

Well I rarely take either now and my heart actions are no different.

Hope this helps answer your question a bit?

06-01-13, 11:34
Yes mask over symptoms of other illnesses like a cancer of some sort or any other illness,thanks for replying x

06-01-13, 11:35
I really doubt it but what makes you ask?

06-01-13, 11:41
I ask because my symptoms of fatigue,dizziness,stomach problems are so severe that I'm sure there's something seriously wrong with me and there's missing the real reason but the only thing that makes me feel better is if I take diazipam everyday x

06-01-13, 11:43
I agree with Arnie

06-01-13, 11:46
It's sounds more like anxiety to me and you feel better because the diazepam calms you down.

The symptoms of anxiety can be really severe and frightening. It's the fear that makes them worse so the diazepam reduces your fear for a time.

Have you been prescribed any other meds to deal with the anxiety and asked about cbt?

06-01-13, 11:53
It's sounds more like anxiety to me and you feel better because the diazepam calms you down.

The symptoms of anxiety can be really severe and frightening. It's the fear that makes them worse so the diazepam reduces your fear for a time.

Have you prescribed and other meds to deal with the anxiety and asked about cbt?

Totally agree with Arnies posts. I take diazepam and also have all the symptoms you describe. Anxiety affects you in many ways and I think you are 'checking' yourself for symptoms and relating them to other illnesses.

Have a chat with your doctor if you are still worried, they can arrange blood tests to rule most things out. That should put your mind at rest.

Take care, Kitti :)

06-01-13, 12:42
I've had a lot of tests over the past 2 years and all they've found is a small hamangioma on my liver I'm currently waiting for a date for a full body MRI and I've got an endoscope booked for the 16th both ends lol not looking forward to that at all x

06-01-13, 14:10
Aww, good luck with it all, Let us know how you get on :hugs:

06-01-13, 23:04
Diazepam is a muscle relaxant, so it is unlikely for it to mask the symptoms of different types of cancers. It's not a pain killer, it's a muscle relaxant.

07-01-13, 22:30
Thanks a lot kittikat ill keep u posted x

29-01-13, 21:16
Well I've had both camera up and down lol not nice thing at all,and everything is normal in my digestive system now just wait for my full body MRI,my doctors prescribed me with half beta prograne.......has anybody ever been on these and did they help,thanks xxxx