View Full Version : Booked a holiday !!

06-01-13, 13:21
Yesterday I booked a nine day stay in NYC with my best friend this coming November (late november)
Whilst I can't wait I'm very excited I fear ill either be dead or he will be dead.
That something will go wrong (wont make it through customs etc) the plane is another worry.
The hotel what if theres faulty boilers etc etc.
What if something happens in New York at night?
What if I get made redundant from work and can't go I'd be really upset
What if it snows because we are going on 23rd November so it could be snowing in NYC and JFK would be closed or could be snowing in England we are going from heathrow I'd be upset
I can't wait to fly though I've never flown before and I'm really really excited about it and seeing NYC I've wanted to go for ever and I always said I would get my self their. A
I also can't wait to go on holiday this year.

06-01-13, 13:24
New York is amazing! Ive been lucky enough to go 4 times and love it. Don't let worry get in the way of your excitement. You will have a fab time.

06-01-13, 13:35
Well done for booking the holiday! It will give you a well-deserved break.

For your "what if" questions you need to ask yourself, "how likely is this to happen?" The chances of anything bad happening are very small. To give yourself more peace of mind, I'd recommend taking out travel insurance if you haven't done so already.

06-01-13, 13:37
how many what if's are in your post .......have a fantastic time in NYC and go to BLOOMIDALES for me enjoy honey stop worrying ....mike

06-01-13, 13:41
Well done Emma, Try not to worry, you will have a lovely time. :hugs:

06-01-13, 13:51
Good for you!!!!!!! You are going to have so much fun, NY is awesome. Don't even let the what if's take over. At that time they should be getting ready for Christmas, and that is a sight worth seeing alone. They have great shows, shopping, sites, and good food. If I can help you with any info, let me know. Just think positive, your going to have a great time!!!!! :)

06-01-13, 13:53
Thanks everyone ill also be their for my 20th birthday .
I'm really looking forward to it.
Panickyme i see you are from the us-
I'm really wanting to go up the Empire State and we are looking to book broadway tickets while we are their,
We will be taking out insurance before we go.

06-01-13, 14:02
I will look into that for you, and definitely go see a show, they are spectacular. You are going to have a great Birthday!!!!!! :) Debbi

06-01-13, 14:13
Emma, what if any off those what ifs don't happen? You can't go through life saying 'What if!" Just get out there and Enjoy yourself!!! You will love it and safety standards are really high in NYC so you have nothing to worry about :D

06-01-13, 15:23
Thanks everyone.
Really looking forward to it now :D

06-01-13, 16:52
Wisdom of Winnie the Pooh:
"What if a tree falls down with us underneath?" said Piglet,
"What if it doesn't?" said Pooh, after careful consideration.


06-01-13, 17:10
Wisdom of Winnie the Pooh:
"What if a tree falls down with us underneath?" said Piglet,
"What if it doesn't?" said Pooh, after careful consideration.


I often say that I am like Piglet and my husband is like Pooh! :)

06-01-13, 17:42
I think I'm defiantly piglet I should try to be more like pooh bear.
My fav was always eeyore though :P

06-01-13, 17:55
New York is my favourite place in the whole world! I've dreamt about going since I was little and my dream came true in 2010 when I got to go! It was truely incredible, the best experience/holiday of my life! I was so scared to go though and was worrying about going from the moment it was booked (booked in Jan, went end of Aug) so lots of months worrying! The night before was horrible and the car journey to the airport was horrible too, I was so scared and nervous, I really wanted to go but I really wanted to stay at home too as it just seemed to much for me to cope with, at the time there was that whole ash cloud thing too which didn't help. But, despite all this, all my worrying and thinking 'what if' I still managed to get on that plane. I have no idea what happened to me, but once I got on the plane my anxiety just dropped and was gone by the time I got there. I've had anxiety for years yet I managed a whole 2 week holiday (New York and Florida) without the slightest bit of anxiety! I maybe had a small worry that lasted 5 minutes here and there but nothing like what I normally experience. It was bliss! I don't know if it was the excitement of the city or because I was out there doing things from morning until midnight so I didn't have time to worry, but either way I had the best time of my life in New York & I'll never forget it, I wish I could live there haha! We went up the Empire State at night, it was magical, if I could bottle that feeling and use it when I'm anxious, well, I don't think I'd be anxious anymore, it's like being at the top of the world up there. We also went to the top of Rockefeller in the daytime, the views made perfect pictures :) We did all the other tourist things too like the Statue of Liberty (fab) and a helicopter ride over the skyline (again magical!) You'll have a fantastic time, there's no doubt about that, I'm sooo jealous! :) x

06-01-13, 17:58
I think I'm defiantly piglet I should try to be more like pooh bear.
My fav was always eeyore though :P

I think we can learn a lot about psychology from Winnie the Pooh. Piglet is anxious (like me) Tigger is hyperactive, Eeyore is depressed, Winnie the Pooh has OCD. :D

06-01-13, 18:08
I think we can learn a lot about psychology from Winnie the Pooh. Piglet is anxious (like me) Tigger is hyperactive, Eeyore is depressed, Winnie the Pooh has OCD. :D

And Christopher Robin is their therapist? :)

06-01-13, 19:00
And Christopher Robin is their therapist? :)

Yes and maybe Owl :D

Jammy J
06-01-13, 19:07
Have a fab time in NY Emma. I know its not easy but try not to worry, just think of the great time you will have over there :)

06-01-13, 20:35
Thanks we will have a great time :).

Btw quick question has anyone used tv catch up on ipad?
It says that its free but data charges may apply? This popped up when using it now I'm scared to use it in case I go overdrawn. Only got £60 in account from booking holiday :/

06-01-13, 20:49
Glad you are feeling better about New York now. I hope you'll have a lovely time.

06-01-13, 20:50
Is your iPad wi-fi only or is it 3G? If it is wifi only then you won't get any additional charges.

As for travel insurance, it's better to get it sooner rather than later so that you get the full benefit of the cancellation cover. (I'm sure it's very unlikely you'd have to cancel the holiday, but it will give you peace of mind).

06-01-13, 20:51
Data charges just mean what you pay for the Internet - so if it's via wifi it will come out of your home internet allowance (if you have one, most are unlimited), if you're using internet on your ipad over 3g it will use up your allowance

06-01-13, 21:35
Ahh ok I was using my wifi which is unlimited. I do have 3G but had it turned off so that's ok then :) thank you was confused as to what it meant.

---------- Post added at 21:04 ---------- Previous post was at 21:03 ----------

Sparkle we was going to take it out at the end of feb (finances ) etc.
I'm paranoid it will snow or adverse weather I really don't want it to!

---------- Post added at 21:07 ---------- Previous post was at 21:04 ----------

Defiantly will be going to Macy's ;) haha

---------- Post added at 21:35 ---------- Previous post was at 21:07 ----------

Also terrified mum will die than ill have to pay for the house and I won't be able to afford to go :(. She's had a horrific cough for two weeks but won't stop smoking and every time she smokes she vomits but she still will not stop and she has astmha but refuses to go and get a new pump which is so frustrating it is a cold but im scared shell get lung cancer this year. Bloody stupid anxiety.

06-01-13, 23:38
I use catchup tv on my pc & it is free. The data charges must be if you are using the ipad in 3g roaming mode, rather than on wifi.

07-01-13, 12:50
Oh I am so excited for you! You will have a lot of fun. NYC is unlike any other city in the world, that's for sure.

Just a tip - if you want to go to a broadway show, sometimes you can get them half price in Times Square. They are called TKTS booths.

And don't worry about the flights, JFK is such a big airport that they have everything down pat and know what they are doing. It would be less likely to snow then as well.

Let me know if you have questions, I go into the city quite often.

07-01-13, 20:47
Thanks Elle..
Swgrl how likely is snow in November and early December in NYC we are are going on the 23rd of November?
I'm really worried about that as I want to go so much!

08-01-13, 12:40
It COULD happen, but it is not that likely. It's been actually staying a little warmer around here longer than usual. And even if it did snow, JFK is such a big airport that you would be able to get another flight in pretty easily.