View Full Version : can you mix therapy?

06-01-13, 15:47
Hi all

Im starting CBT but wonder if its worth going to a private councellor as well?


06-01-13, 16:16
Not sure if it would be a good idea to see both at the same time. I would see if the cbt works for you first and if not then maybe consider a different type of therapy.

06-01-13, 16:20
I'm normally a believer in the more the merrier, but in this instance I agree with Annie.

06-01-13, 17:26
Hi Vindrea

im mixing my therapy but with the same therapist. CBT is mostly done as homework once youve been shown how to do it. In my sessions we tend to do more talking therapy about my past and the deep rooted things that have triggered my anxiety.

I wouldnt see two different therapists though and agree with the other guys.