View Full Version : GAD maybe agoraphobic?

06-01-13, 16:53
In the past ive been agoraphobic with not leaving the house for months sometimes, over the past year have been managing to go out when its impotant for other people, eg im carer so i can push myself enough to say pay bills, shopping, prescriptions ect. But when it comes to doing stuff for my own leasure i get stuck and dont want to leave the house :S eg taking dog for a walk id feel sick and anxiety would start so would leave it.... is really annoying as ive pushed away alot of friends and dont involve myself in anythink anymore. would love to have it back would help aot with my depression and anxiety any ideas? currently seeing therapist and talking about joining the gym but tbh cant see myself keepin it up if i get the way i get every time i do summit for myself. also trying breathing excersises which helps abit not much thou....

06-01-13, 17:09
I always get scared that I'm going to become agoraphobic, but I just think it's another worry! Sometimes, I prefer staying in and watching telly so much more than I like to go out. Sometimes, I feel odd when I go out- sort of worried that I'm going to panic or feel anxious. It's a bit of a cycle. I do not think this makes you agoraphobic :) I think you're more worried about becoming agoraphobic!

06-01-13, 17:24
You need to change your way of thinking about going out. In reality, I think you'll agree, the facts and actualities of going out to shop, pay the bills, etc. is no different to going out to walk the dog. You've said you can do the former, so you need to tell yourself that the latter is no different, and you can do it because you can do the former. You need to practice this thought in practice, by going and proving to yourself that one is no different to the other. The only way to do this I'm afraid is to go out and walk the dog (and so on), which is scary, but possible.

06-01-13, 17:31
does worry me im gonna become agoraphobic.... trying to brake the cycle of my anxiety with going out. Dont fully get how i can go out and do things of importance but when its for myself head is going the way it does. Do get ya being in can be more appealing than going out and can make ya feel odd, have kinda secluded myself away over the years from alot so am trying to get more involved with doing stuff out of my comfort zone. Were to start without over doing it is were im struggling at the moment.

---------- Post added at 17:31 ---------- Previous post was at 17:24 ----------

You need to change your way of thinking about going out. In reality, I think you'll agree, the facts and actualities of going out to shop, pay the bills, etc. is no different to going out to walk the dog. You've said you can do the former, so you need to tell yourself that the latter is no different, and you can do it because you can do the former. You need to practice this thought in practice, by going and proving to yourself that one is no different to the other. The only way to do this I'm afraid is to go out and walk the dog (and so on), which is scary, but possible.
Makes alot of sense, i know both in the same are part of what makes me anxious with going out, suppose i need to stick at trying to rationalise it the same.....