View Full Version : Went to the doctors today, waste of time!

29-08-06, 14:03
went to the doctor today and mentioned this sore throat I was experiancing.
He looked at the throat and felt around it and then said he could see nothing wrong.
I then asked him then if anxiety can cause it and he just shrugged his shoulders and said if any other symtoms appear then go back!

I could not get to see my normal doctor as he was on holiday but I have left the surgery feeling no better at all.


29-08-06, 14:33
I think you are ok re your throat,as the Dr didnt see anything

Some of them are awfully vague though and offer no reassurance at all,I think some of them should partake in a bedside manner course!!

If you dont feel any better go back and see your own Dr when he comes back from hols,but im sure theres nothing to worry about at all
Hunny x

29-08-06, 15:12
Hi Red,

I'm so sorry that the doctor didnt give you any reasurrance. That happened me once with a locum doctor. As Hunny says a lot of them could do with a course in bedtime manners. Hope you feel better soon.

Take Care


polly daydream
29-08-06, 16:38
Hi Red, unfortunately dr's are not always very understanding and as the others have said they do need a course in bedside manner, they forget who pays there wages!!.
If you are still worried then go back and see your own dr when he or she returns from holiday, I'm sure if something was wrong he would have seen it.

Keep chin up and take care,


29-08-06, 18:17
Hi Red,
Todays world you would think drs would be more knowledged with anxiety but alot our not so they blow it off and that makes us feel like,,,,but hang in there Im sure you will be fine.......Linda[8D]

29-08-06, 20:22
I find that whenever I go to my dr about anything since I;ve suffered with anxiety on and off for a few years, he puts all my illnesses totally down to anxiety and just writes me off. really not worth going at all.

29-08-06, 22:27
I agree with you. Everytime I see my doctor same thing...once you are treated for anxiety disorder you are labeled. No matter what my new complaint may be its always the same thing...you have anxiety! stress..blah blah blah...that is no reasurance at all. Why even bother to go anymore if they think ...oooh here comes MissAnxiety again?
I'am totally depressed after going, I feel that they will never listen to or take me (seriously) again.
My new doc I've been seeing for 4 months and she hasn't even done blood work on me ...just take more happy pills and you will be alright?
People with anxiety/panic and stress disorders will always be treated like the little boy who cried wolf too many times.
I'm going to keep searching for a doctor who will listen, but this time I will not start off with my history of anxiety! Once known you are truely wasting your time.


30-08-06, 07:29
I totaly agree, even ladies on the reception do not have time for me anymore, which puts me off going.