View Full Version : Sudden carbon monoxide fear?

06-01-13, 18:04
The boilers on and I'm tired and headachey and dads fallen asleep. I'm scared my monitor the batteries have run out and can't
Find any replacements so very worried we are dying :(

06-01-13, 18:08
If you're very worried you could maybe turn the boiler off? I know it's cold but better that than be anxious? Or is there a convenience store you could maybe go to for some batteries?

06-01-13, 18:10
No store close to me that does them . I'm so worried because I'm
So tired and that's one of the

---------- Post added at 18:10 ---------- Previous post was at 18:10 ----------

Mum wants boiler left on Aswell. :( just opened window in my room

06-01-13, 18:12
Emma you have got to try to change your mindset in relation to your boiler. You have been worrying about it for several weeks, possibly into months and yet nothing has happened. You have to try to force yourself to be rational and learn from that that your mind is playing tricks on you to keep you anxious.

Your father has fallen asleep because he is warm, it's the evening, and he's a middle aged gentleman (my parents fall asleep all the time in the evenings!). You are sleepy because it's the evening, and the heating is on so you're warm - warmth is a very soporific thing. Your headache could be caused by a great many things - worry, dehydration, muscle tension, a slight fever...

06-01-13, 18:15
Thank you. Yes have been worrying well over a year now over it and still standing. My mum also had the temp set to 28c!!! I've just put it down to 20 and opened my window. The radiators are boiling and I have been sitting near one surfing the net for the last couple hours. Just made my self some decaf coffee gonna watch some Miranda and then the hotel at 8 and make me sarnies for work tomorrow lol.

06-01-13, 18:18
As a person who has actually had carbon monoxide poisoning haha ( the boiler was broken in my room!) I can tell you, that you would KNOW if you had the symptoms. I was being poisoned for weeks until I realised (I always sleep with the window wide open) and I was absolutely fine. However, I did go the doctors a number of times (and this was before my anxiety!) I felt really groggy, was vomitting, had diahorea, my body was stiff, I was thirsty, i had a headache and I was short of breath. Noone else in my house was affected in the slightest as I constantly have my bedroom door shut. It takes absolute weeks for this kind of thing to have any detrimental effect.

As Elle says, and she gives the best advice! Stay rational and if you're worried about the batteries being dead, get new ones tomorrow!

06-01-13, 18:18
28 degrees?! Wow, your mum must have been REALLY cold, lol We mostly have ours set to 18.

06-01-13, 18:19
Despite all these worries I have since the new year I've not has a real panic but have had some little thoughts that havnt turned into major attacks as of yet. Seeing gp next Friday but at a loss as to what to say.

---------- Post added at 18:19 ---------- Previous post was at 18:18 ----------

My mum and dad are opposites. She'll turn it up them he'll come and turn it right down to 18 I like about 18-22. 22 if really cold mostly 20 lol.

06-01-13, 18:22
No wonder everyone is falling asleep and tired at 28 degrees! :D Mine is set at 20 Like Elle-Kay said your boiler will be fine and you must stop constantly worrying about it..think about that holiday and the fun you are going to have instead of worrying about the boiler xx

06-01-13, 18:24
Thanks Annie .
Am thinking about that been surfing the net for things to do in nyc as a distraction. :)
Your right about the heat thing and I was sitting right next to a radiotor its hot in this house haha

06-01-13, 19:04
Your monitor should have a button to press to check it's working - also the batteries last for ages and it should warn you with beeping or a flashing light if it is dying

06-01-13, 20:33
I used old batteries when first getting it so when they started beeping I took them out and havnt got any since will get some more though :)