View Full Version : Food anxiety

06-01-13, 20:48
Hi everyone. I was wondering who on here has anxiety over food. What habits do you have? Do you disect your food, avoid certain foods/meat, struggle to swollow certain foods? I have been a 'fussy eater' all my life and some things I just can't eat. Today I had some chicken which had a stringy brown thing that was likely a blood vessel and I had to stpp eating There's so many things I won't eat so my diet is limited. Eating out with others tends to be a stressful time for me rather than enjoyable. I won't go to a particular restauramt until I am sure I will eat something there. Does anyone know how this can be improved?

06-01-13, 20:51
I used to be fine with food until I started getting anxiety then at first I associated the anxiety with food. Maybe because the anxiety made me feel so sick. I have to be really careful what I eat now as a lot of foods upset my stomach. I also have ibs now.

06-01-13, 21:38
I have anorexia which I'm slowly improving, which is really another form of anxiety, I always complain on here about similar eating problems, I don't have a answer to your question but your not alone. I try to eat small portion often, helps as big meals can be alot to face

06-01-13, 21:40
I am the same, I eat small amounts more often. I often eat children's portions if we are out for a meal.

06-01-13, 22:20
Yes same here actually.

06-01-13, 22:20
I don't have too many concerns about food except I would rather have meat over-cooked than under, I do have a thing about under cooked meet, but not quite a phobia. Also I won't eat meat or bread past it's eat by date, or if it looks slightly "iffy".

Also any piece of gristle in meat, or bone in fish (particularly salmon) would put me off a meal, or at least ruin it's proper enjoyment.