View Full Version : Head pain

06-01-13, 20:55
For the last few weeks I have been getting occasional pain in the left side of my head, kind of like zaps of pain. Also feels like its in my left cheek and teeth. Does anyone else get this? I am getting really scared about this :weep:

06-01-13, 21:31
I have tmj that causes things like this, but I know dehydration and even sinus can cause those symptoms

06-01-13, 22:38
I've had all sorts of odd head and face pains and weird feelings.

Are you generally anxious and tense? It could be caused by tense muscles in your neck, or you could be gritting and grinding your teeth without being aware which can cause awful headaches.

07-01-13, 10:46
The last 2 weeks I have been really agitated and anxious, it's awful. I'm really scared about these head pains. There not there now though just every now and again. Any advice anyone :(