View Full Version : SAD anyone? The weather a trigger?

06-01-13, 20:58
I would not class myself as depressed. However, when I have constant anxiety it gets me does quite a bit. I cry a lot and stop enjoying certain things I normally would. Once rain/wimd/cold/dark at 4pm starting to come in my anxiety and low feelings got a lot worse. During the last Summer months I had been made redundant and I had a bit of money to survive not working for a month. Despite worrying about getting a job and searching a lot I had a great Summer. The weather was lovely and my partner and I had a lot of fun with work friends and with family. We went out to places a lot like the beach. We were soon both working and I only spend one whole day with him and we don't do much because of the weather and early dark nights. It's not just because of work though but I am sure I suffer from SAD (seasonal affective disorder) because thr winter makes me miserable. When the sun does come out I feel a lot happier! Coincidence? What are your thoughts and experiences? Sprimg still seems to far away!

06-01-13, 21:05
I suffer from SAD and use a light box during the winter months. It does help as I notice the difference when I use it. This is the one I have http://www.britebox.co.uk/

06-01-13, 21:07
Thanks I will consider giving one a try. Did you find a big improvement in your mood?

06-01-13, 21:09
I do and I notice I am worse if I forget to use it for a few days. It is best used on a morning