View Full Version : Is there a difference between "MVP" and "GAD?"

Orange Lightning
06-01-13, 21:05
Ok, so I'm sorry to say I consulted Doctor Google today. I suppose I can be forgiven in one regard; yesterday I was feeling almost perfectly fine, and today I've gone from 0 to 11 in terms of symptoms. Currently I have the following:

Shortness of breath/Feeling of not getting enough air
Heavy heart palpatations, sometimes at night while lying down
Head pressure and lightheadedness, often wakes me up as I fall asleep
Weak/Numb left arm and hand
Loss of appetite
Tight chest/Throat, sometimes vomit when belching
Fluttering in chest when lifting heavy objects

Sadly it turns out almost all of these are associated with Mitral Valve Prolapse as much as they are anxiety. I know people say most people say MVP is mostly harmless, but I also know what risks it carries (e.g. more chance of heart attacks) and I REALLY don't want anything wrong with my heart at all. Finding out I had ectopic beats was horrible enough.

My question is simply is there any way to tell the difference between Mitral Valve Prolapse and Generalised Anxiety Disorder? I have had some ECGs and a Chest X Ray which are clear, and I'm only age 21 with low blood pressure, but I know these tests aren't perfect, so I'm scared something's been missed and that I'll end up under the knife. :(

06-01-13, 21:15
Hi there
I have MVP and just curious who has told you that you are more at risk of a heart attack etc with it? It is a truly benign condition found in up to 20% of the population it is believed by some cardiologists, with less than 2% of people having a regurgitation that merits monitoring.

Check out my post on the panic attacks forum for more info about MVP syndrome.

Any cardiologist worth their salt would wonder what on earth you are worried about as MVP is for the vast majority of people totally trivial. It is not life threatening, merely lifestyle threatening as it is now understood to be an indicator of an out of balance autonomic nervous system. Nothing more than that.

Hope this helps.

06-01-13, 23:06
I think that if you are a member of an anxiety website, it is more likely that anxiety is the problem than MVP.

06-01-13, 23:07
There is a big difference. Are you anxious or not?!

Luna night
10-02-16, 12:18
Hi guys
I to suffer from MVP and to be honest I go to the gym 6days a week, to do cardio exercise its never caused any probs to me. :)

10-02-16, 12:39
I consulted Doctor Google today......yesterday I was feeling almost perfectly fine, and today I've gone from 0 to 11 in terms of symptoms.

Nuff said. The power of suggestion and the mind is impressive to say the least.

Positive thoughts