View Full Version : Making something good out of your anxiety?

06-01-13, 21:23
I've been freaking about my heart the past few weeks. Instead of sitting around fretting about if/when a heart attack will strike, I've tried to take this in a positive direction and try to get healthy.

I've cut out almost all snacking except for fruit. Cut out a large amount of sugar. No alcohol. Really trying to keep sodium to a minimum. Must say, I'm learning to enjoy what I eat rather than eating to enjoy.

Another big part of this is I've gotten myself up to walking close to 5 miles a day (1/2 in the AM, 1/2 in the PM, sometimes all at once). Once I start, I honestly don't want to stop.

It hasn't really kept the anxiety down though sadly. But at least at this point I can say I am doing everything in my power to avoid a heart attack or even cancer. Next step is a physical, which is 3 weeks away.

Anyone else have any counter balance methods to their health anxiety?
(sorry for the length of the post. trying to be positive)

06-01-13, 22:09
Not necessarily to combat HA which I've had a lot of, but mainly as a health-kick when I hit 40, six years ago - I'd already stopped drinking alcohol in 2004 (not a conscious choice just noticed I wasn't drinking any more - never much of a drinker anyway). So at 40 I stopped smoking. Last year I started eating lots of fruit. I also started hill and mountain walking again for the first time in 15 years, so I get lots of exercise. I'm 4 stone (56lbs) overweight so I'm trying to lose some of that now.

I'm hoping these measures will reduce risk of heart disease, lung cancer etc, but as stated, my HA is under control now, I'm left with "just" GAD.

07-01-13, 05:29
Hi nj well done. This is exactly the right approach to take. You should take some reassurance from your walking. You wouldn't be able to this if you really had a problem. It's all part of exposure. I've made myself go back to the gym the past two days. It's really scary but yesterday was less so than the first day so hopefully it will get easier until I start enjoying it again. Not exercising is so counter intuitive. I didnt want to exercise in case I pushed my heart to hard yet by not exercising I was just getting out of shape and not keeping my body fit!

07-01-13, 07:27
Great post! I find it's also worth reflecting on how anxiety can make us much stronger, and more caring and considerate to others. I look back at my really bad times and see it as positive that I've battled through them.

Keep it up, you're doing great.


07-01-13, 11:28
You should take some reassurance from your walking. You wouldn't be able to this if you really had a problem. It's all part of exposure.

I wish it were that easy. Every time I'm feeling pretty good that fleeting thought just drags me back in. And I still wake up every morning with it on my mind so I must be thinking about it sleeping.

I'm trying to get obsessed with something else (in this case getting healthy) hoping that replacing one obsession for another might work.

07-01-13, 16:43
What a positive post, thank you for sharing.

I know it is easier said than done to put HA aside and concentrate on the positives but you've shown it is achievable. Well done xx

07-01-13, 18:30
Hi nj

it can be done, you just have to keep telling yourself over and over that you are ok. it will take time but it will start to sink in. I still have wobbles and do I believe 100% that my heart is fine, no, not yet, but I believe it a hell of a lot more than I did a couple of months ago when I was convinced something was wrong. Now im not convinced just suspect something could be but only in my weaker moments. I know its so hard to accept and those little voices go off in your head but the sooner you can accept it as anxiety the sooner you will recover.

take care x

07-01-13, 20:39
Thanks Arnie. I have no doubt that my cholesterol is probably high which is why I'm working like hell to bring it down. To think of all the crap I've eaten over the years...